Major European Theater Battle

  • Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk

    Battle of France/Miracle of Dunkirk
    -British Admiralty gathered a fleet of over 900 Navy ships
    -Began when the first 338,000 British, French, and Belgian troops were evacuated from the French coast.
    -The German army advances through northern France and cuts off British troops from their French allies, forcing an evacuation of soldiers across the North Sea from Dunkirk
    -Hundreds of naval and civilian vessels
    -Encircled on all sides by the Germans Battle was between Nazi Germany and the Allies around all of Dunkirk, France.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    -The meeting was interrupted at one point by the French police
    -The details about Operation Torch were debated for months
    -Eisenhower was in the army for 27 years and never saw combat until Operation Torch
    -General Clark and his staff were taken to Algiers by British submarine
    -Eisenhower became head of Operation Torch and shortly after was a 5 start general The importance of Operation Torch was the first time the British and Americans had jointly worked on an invasion plan together.
  • D-Day

    -During WWII when Allied Forces invaded France.
    -Largest amphibious invasion.
    -Code word- Operation Overlord.
    -Condoms kept soldiers end of rifle dry.
    -James Doohan lost a finger at the occurrence of D-Day
    D-Day is short for Death Day, this event signified the freedom of France and the end of WWII.