
Major Ethical Philosophies

  • 469 BCE

    SOCRATES (469-399 BC)

    SOCRATES (469-399 BC)
    Socrates was a Greek philosopher from Athens who is credited as the founder of Western philosophy. An enigmatic figure, Socrates authored no texts and is known mainly through the posthumous accounts of classical writers, particularly his students Plato and Xenophon. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socrates
  • 428 BCE

    PLATO (428-348 BC)

    PLATO (428-348 BC)
    Plato was a Greek philosopher born in Athens during the Classical period in Ancient Greece, founder of the Platonist school of thought and the Academy, the first institution of higher learning in the Western world. https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/plato/
  • 384 BCE

    ARISTOTLE (348-322 BC)

    ARISTOTLE (348-322 BC)
    Aristotle was a Greek philosopher and polymath during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. Taught by Plato, he was the founder of the Lyceum, the Peripatetic school of philosophy, and the Aristotelian tradition.
  • 18


    Utilitarianism is a theory of morality that advocates actions that foster happiness or pleasure and oppose actions that cause unhappiness or harm. When directed toward making social, economic, or political decisions, a utilitarian philosophy would aim for the betterment of society as a whole. Utilitarianism would say that an action is right if it results in the happiness of the greatest number of people in a society or a group. https://www.investopedia.com/terms/u/utilitarianism.asp

    Thomas Hobbes was an English philosopher, considered to be one of the founders of modern political philosophy. Hobbes is best known for his 1651 book Leviathan, in which he expounds an influential formulation of social contract theory. Moral positivism is not just the denial of universal, objective and changeless norms in the moral order. Whenever the good is reduced to definable norms and not left in the state of a general exclusion of the bad, there is always some change in standards.

    Immanuel Kant was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment thinkers. Born in Königsberg, Kant's comprehensive and systematic works in epistemology, metaphysics, ethics, and aesthetics have made him an influential figure in modern Western philosophy.