Major Computer events

  • Calculator

    George Stiblitz developes the first calculator, a stepping stone to the first computer. The calculator is a very important invention.
  • First Computer

    First Computer
    The Mark Serries of computers is first invented at Harvard University. From here on the computer advance quickly.
  • Keyboard

    The first key board is used and created instead of punch cards. Now people can efficiently enter in information quikly.
  • First Digital Computer

    First Digital Computer
    The first digital computer is invented in Japan. This will allow more data to be released and read easily.
  • Period: to

    Computer history

  • First Computer Mouse

    First Computer Mouse
    Douglass E. Invents the first computer mouse, becasue of the tail sticking our of the end of it, it was celled a mouse.
  • First Computer Game

    First Computer Game
    THE FIRST VIDEO GAME! A BOY'S DREAM!!!! It is a fun application making computers more popular.
  • First portable computer

    First portable computer
    Altair invents the first portable computer
  • Computers in the USA

    Computers in the USA
    More than 30 million computers are in use in the United States.

    The World wide Web was launched in August 6. Information can now be passed around the world in less than seconds.
  • Google

    Sergey Brin and Larry Page founded Google