Major battle!

Major Battles Of WWI

  • Battle of Galicia (Lemberg)

    Battle of Galicia (Lemberg)
    Battle between Russia and Austria Hungary 655,000 Casualties Total, Eastern Front Battle, Russian Victory
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    Did You Know?

    Battle of Lemberg was one of the major battles during the early onset stages of WWI
  • Battle Of Tannenberg

    Battle Of Tannenberg
    Took place in Tannenberg, East Prussia
    August 26 - 30, 1914
    German Victory
    250,000 Casualties
    Battle took place on the Western Front
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    Fun Fact:

    The Battle of Tannenberg is notable for being the first battle fought in the war to be fought on the Eastern Front.
  • The Battle Of Marne

    The Battle Of Marne
    Allied Victory
    519,000 Casualties
    September 6-12, 1914
    France, Britain, and Germany.
    Took Place on the Western Front
  • Period: to

    Did You Know?

    The Battle of the Marne also marked the end of mobile warfare on the Western Front.
  • The First Battle Of Masurian Lake

    The First Battle Of Masurian Lake
    Victory by Germans over Russia.
    Took place during September 9 - 14, 1914.
    Successful battle on the Eastern Front
    Resulted in a total of 165,000 casualties.
  • Gorlice Tarnow Offensive

    Gorlice Tarnow Offensive
    Lasted till June 1915.
    Battle between Austria Hungary, Germany, and, Russia.
    Began in May, ended in June of year 1915.
    As a result Russia retreated and Central Powers took the lead
    The Battle was fought along with many on the Eastern front.
    There was a total of 1,087,000 casualties for both sides.
  • The Battle of Verdun

    The Battle of Verdun
    One of the longest, bloodiest battles between Germany and France
    Total of about 300,000 total casualties on both sides, with an estimated average of 70 thousand deaths per month.
    Western Front victory taken by the French
  • Period: to

    Did You Know?

    The Battle of Verdun was one of the longest, bloodiest, and most ferocious battles of WWI. French casualties amounted to about 400,000, German ones to about 350,000.
  • The Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme
    Allied Victory between France and Britain against Germany.
    Resulted in a total of 420,000 casualties for the British army, the French lost 200,000 men, and the Germans had 500,000 casualties.
    Victory on the Western Front
  • Period: to

    Fun Fact: The Battle of Somme

    More than one million men from all sides were killed, wounded or captured. British casualties on the first day – numbering over 57,000, of which 19,240 were killed – make it the bloodiest day in British military history.
  • Brusilov Offensive

    Brusilov Offensive
    Named after Russian commander Aleksei Brusilov.
    Battle Between Germany- who took the victory on the Eastern Front, Great Britain and Austria Hungary. This clash resulted in 500,000–1,000,000 Russia dead, wounded, or captured and some 1.5 million casualties for the Central Powers.
  • Period: to

    Fun Fact:

    Battle gets its name from Alexei Brusilov, a Russian military officer who was commander at the time. He's said to have developed efficient offence tactics used in this very battle.
  • Battle Of Caporetto

    Battle Of Caporetto
    Those who participated in this battle include Germany, Austria -Hungary, and Italy.
    Took Place between October 24-December 19 1917.
    Eastern Front Battle.
    Casualties total to 700,000—40,000 killed or wounded, 280,000 captured by the enemy and another 350,000 deserted.
    Win for Germany and Austrian forces
  • German Spring Offensive

    German Spring Offensive
    Battle Between USA, Great Britain, and Germany
    480,000 German and American Casualties
    Western Front Battle
    Victory for Allied Powers; USA and Great Britain
  • Period: to

    Did You Know?

    The Spring Offensives of 1918 was Germany's last attempt to defeat the British and French armies on the Western Front, and win total victory but unfortunately due to it's failure, Russia was left in devastating conditions.