50 BCE
First Discovery
Pliny the Elder discovered the lodestone .The lodestone is a stone of iron.Lodestones contain magnetite, a natural magnetic material . After his discovery people thought the lodestone possessed magical powers.
http://dreamicus.com/lodestone.html -
Fact over Superstition
Gilbert Peter Peregrinus is attributed to be the first person to try to separate fact from superstition. He wrote a letter explaining everything that was known, at that time, about magnetite.
Photo: https://www.google.com/search?rlz=1CAACAR_enUS764US765&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=S7g2WsG1GJXYjwOwqo6oAw&q=magnetite+&oq=magnetite -
Magnet Experiments
William Gilbert made progress in his experiments on under standing magnets. He was the one who first discovered that the earth was a huge magnet. He also realized magnets could be made by beating worn iron.
Photo: https://www.indiamart.com/proddetail/iron-bars-ms-bars-15558074712.html -
Magnets and Electricity
Hans Christian Oersted showed that magnetism was related to electricity.He brought a wire holding an electric current close to a magnetic compass which caused a deflection of the compass needle.
Photo: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/271544274_fig1_Fig-1-Hans-Christian-Oersted-1777-1851-3 -
Electromagnetic Theory
James Clerk Maxwell established beyond doubt the inner-relationships between electricity and magnetism and publicized a series of simple equations that are the basis electromagnetic theory today.
Photo: https://gfycat.com/gifs/search/Electricity -
Discovery of electrons
J. Thomson discovered the electron, this particle is the core to the current understanding of magnetism.
Photo: http://bestanimations.com/Science/Chemistry/Chemistry.html