The Boy is Born
The boy is born right when the world has ended. He will never know what it is like to live a normal life. The boys life will only consist of his parents, everyone else is gone. -
The Mom "leaves"
In the middle of a broken world the mom decides that she does not want to continue living. The dad begs her not to kill her self, but she does not care. The mom does not even say goodbye to the boy she just goes off into the woods and kills herself. -
Journey To The South
The Boy and the Dad start to make their journey sounth becuase they can no longer survive in the cold. They pack a cart and stay on the road making there journey to a warmer place. -
Men in a Truck
About 6 men in a truck are traveling down the road. One of the men go off into the woods and see the father and son. The guy from the truck jumps at the boy and the man is forced to shot him in the head, wasting one of their two bullets. -
The Guy Who got struck by lightening
The boy and the dad come across their first person since the end of the world. The old man just falls down in the middle of the road and does not get back up. The boy wants to help him, but the dad does not think it is a good idea because they do not have enough supplies to share with him. -
Invading a house to get food the man and the boy go in the basement to see what was there. They walked downt the steps and found people being raised as live stock to kill and eat! -
When the man wakes up earlier then the boy he goes to walk around when he stumbles upon apples! He picks some up and then he finds a clean, well kept, water source as well! -
Little Piece of Heaven
Slowly dieing of starvation, right in deaths hands, the boy and the dad come upon this house where they somehow find a hidden door in the ground. They open the door and find an old bomb shelter stocked with an abundance of food, water, beds, ect. -
The Old Man
Shortly after Papa and the little boy find the bunker they come across a old man wandering down the road. He Claims his name is Ely, but that is not his real name. Ely is is starving so they share a meal with him and send him on his way. -
The Hidden House
Walking down the road the little boy spots a big house way back in the woods. The man and the boy travel there and stay there about a week. They get new bedding, cloathes, food, and they even make a fire! -
The Beach
Although it is still very cold, the boy and the man finally make it to the beach! The water is not blue and it is nothing like the father remembers, but they spend the night on the sand and the boy even goes swimming! -
The Boat!
The boy and the man spot a boat out in the ocean, so the man swims to it while the son keeps watch. The man finds many new things to keep in the cart! -
The Flare Gun
On the Boat the Man found a Flare gun. The boy had never seen one before so he got the Flare gun out at night, and shot it off for the boy to see! -
The Thief
After Papa and the Boy put the new stuff from the boat in their cart. Someone comes along and takes it. Papa hunts the man down and makes the guy give them his clothes and shoes and leaves him to die. -
Last Stop
The boy the and man start traveling again but after about 2 miles the man stops and he knows he will not start back up again. He finds a resting place and tells the boy goodbye. -
New Hope
After Papa dies a family with a mom, dad, brother, and sister comes along and takes the boy in as their own. The little boy says goodbye to his papa and goes with them.