Feb 17, 753
Roman Empire
Date: 753BC-1461AD
This event happens during our book. -
Feb 17, 1300
Date: 1300AD-1650AD
This event happened during our book -
French Revolution
Date: 1789-1799
This event happened after the book takes place. -
The Suez Canal Opened
Date: 1869- presently
This event happened after our book takes place. -
World War One
date: 1914-1918
This event happed after our book took place, -
World War II
Date: 1939- 1945
This event happened after our book takes place. -
The United Nations was Established
Date: 1945- presently
This event happened after our book takes place. -
Vietnam War
Date: 1954-1975
This event happened after our book takes place -
Space Age
Date: 1957- present
The space age started in 1957 and is still presently going on. The Sapce Age happened after our book takes place. -
Greek Civilization
Date: 8000BC-31BC
This event happeded before our book takes place.