1607 Jamestown
This is a picture of Jamestown in 1607 it has tribes that made forts from extra supplies this is where they get some supplies that they made weapons with but that is the place after they used stuff. -
1620 Massachusettes
This is a picture of Plymouth Massachusettes they are stocking up on food -
1626 New York
This is a picture of a king vistiting a New York tribe and greeting the tribe -
1634 Maryland
This is a Maryland tribe bowing to the Lord and worshiping him -
1636 Rhode Island
This is a picture of a Rhode Island tribe being greeted by a king -
1636 Conneticut
This is a picture of a tribe getting leaded by a dog in a storm -
1638 New Hamshire
This is a picture of a boat/ dock area where they put their boats -
1638 Deleware
This is a picture of a Deleware tribe at a meeting ground with the tribe leader. -
1653 North Carolina
This is a picture of a house that can shelter halve a tribe so there is different family members in the house -
1663 South Carolina
This is a picture of two slaves out in the fields -
1664 New Jersey
This is a picture of a king giving food to a tribe -
1681 Pennsylvania
This is a picture of King Charles the 2 with his buddy William Penn -
1732 Georgia
This is a group of houses in Georgia that the tribe lived in