1777 BCE
First American Flag
The second Continental Congress passed a resolution that says, " the American Flag shall have thirteen stripes in red and white which represented the thirteen colonies. " -
1776 BCE
Signing of the Declaration of Independence
The colonies declare their Independence from England. -
1732 BCE
Colony of Georgia
Georgia acted as a barrier between Spain. James Oglethorpe was responsible for the colony of Georgia being established. -
1682 BCE
Pennsylvania is Established.
William Penn created a colony to serve as a refugee for Quakers that were under persecution in England. -
1664 BCE
New York
The state New York was formerly called New Amsterdam. -
1636 BCE
Rhode Island Founded
Roget Williams went to live with the Indians. He then formed Providence, Rhode Island. -
1623 BCE
New Hampshire Founded
New Hampshire is created a fishing colony by Captain John Mason -
1620 BCE
Massachusetts (Bay Colony)
Massachusetts was founded by the Puritans. -
1607 BCE
Jamestown Settlement in Virginia
Virginia is the first permanent English settlement. -
1590 BCE
John White returns to Roanoke and finds deserted land.
After he helped establish the very first settlement in Roanoke. He got supplies from England.