Madagascar Events

  • Jan 1, 700

    First People on Madagascar

    First People on Madagascar
    In 700 A.D. settlers arrive in what is now Madagascar.
  • Jan 1, 1500

    First Europeans on Madagascar

    First Europeans on Madagascar
    In the year 1500, Portuguese explorer Diogo Dias becomes the first European known to visit the island.
  • The First Colony is Made

    The First Colony is Made
    In the year 1613, a pirate colony is established on Île Sainte-Marie, called Saint Mary’s Island in English. By the 1690s, the population is around 1,500.
  • French Colony

    French Colony
    Madagascar becomes a French colony.
  • Uprising against the French

    Uprising against the French
    Nationalists seeking independence from French rule launch the Malagasy Uprising. It is unsuccessful. Thousands are killed during the conflict.
  • Gains Independance against French

    Gains Independance against French
    Madagascar gains independence from France as the Malagasy Republic. Philibert Tsiranana becomes its first president.
  • The President Hands Down Power

    The President Hands Down Power
    Suffering from poor health, Tsiranana hands power to Major General Gabriel Ramanantsoa.
  • Madagascar is Now Named

    Madagascar is Now Named
    The country is renamed the Republic of Madagascar. Didier Ratsiraka is elected president.
  • Weather Hits Hard

    Weather Hits Hard
    Tropical Cyclones Elita and Gafilo hit Madagascar and Mozambique. Thousands are left homeless.
  • Oil is Money

    Oil is Money
    During a time of record-high oil prices, Madagascar produces its first barrels of crude oil in 60 years.
  • New and Current President is Elected

    New and Current President is Elected
    Hery Rajaonarimampianina becomes president. In 2015, Parliament votes to impeach him for misrule. The Constitutional Court later throws out the impeachment.