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Industrial revolution
The industrial revolution was a time in Britain were machines took over . So many people lost their jobs like farmers because they didn't have anything to sell. Because of that people that didn't have jobs dint have any money for food or a house so they didn't have much -
Van diemens land
Van diemens ( Tasmania)land separated from the colony a and became the second colony in Australia. -
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The Australian gold rush
The gold rush in Australia made a massive Improvement on Australia's population . People came from all over the world like , Spanish people , French , American and Dutch. -
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The American civil war
The American civil war was between Britain and America, when it ended Britain was no longer allowed to sent their convicts to America anymore, so they had to find a new place and their first through was ( at the time ) New Hollande -
One continent ,six colony's
by 1863 the Australin border had been finished . New Hollande was home to six different colony's . New South Wales , Victoria , Western Australia , Tasmania , South Australia and Queensland . -
The Frist colony
When captain Auther Phillip arrived in Sydney cove 1788, he ordered to start the Frist British colony in Australia ( at the time New Hollande )