1. Banquo and Fleance
The scene opens up with Banquo speaking to his son about how the night feels unusual. This is stated by Banquo, "Hold, take my sword. There’s husbandry in heaven;/
Their candles are all out. Take thee that too./
A heavy summons lies like lead upon me,/
And yet I would not sleep. Merciful powers,/
Restrain in me the cursèd thoughts that nature/
Gives way to in repose." (II.I.4-8) This is a major point because it foreshadows something is wrong and/or something will go a rye tonight. -
2. The Illusion of the Dagger
When Macbeth imagined or "saw" the dagger in front of him, it shows how he wants to get the murder over with since he had the internal conflict about doing the job or not. He imagines the dagger bloody symbolizing how the bloody business, he is about to commit will leave stains that might not be removed. Though this not necessarily said in the play, the audience can infer how this horrific act will only lead to punishments/consequences further along the play making this point a major one. -
3. Lady Macbeth Being Bold
After getting Duncan`s guards wasted, Lady Macbeth goes on a tangent on how she is feeling bold and fearless about the whole deed. She states, "That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold./ What hath quenched them hath given me fire." (II.II.1-2). Her confidence is at its highest on this night which allows her to do the things she does and thinks. Her energy in this scene is a major point because it shows the readers how she`ll be in the rest of the play or how she might change. -
4. Duncan`s Brutal Murder
Macbeth finally commits the deed and this major event reflects consequences that are going to appear, some might appear sooner than later. This event shows how Macbeth has lost that honor he had earned and now he has earned a special seat in hell which Macbeth might start paying here in his present life. -
5. Macbeth Shows Guilt and Mentions Loss of Sleep
Macbeth instantly feels remorse from committing the horrid deed after Lady Macbeth that Duncan’s two sons are sleeping in the next chamber. Macbeth states, “ This is a sorry sight.” (II.II.19). This shows how Macbeth is connecting how he just killed an innocent man and left two boys without a father. He mentions, “...Macbeth does murder sleep”—the innocent sleep,/Sleep that knits up the raveled sleave of care” (II.II.36-37). He has murdered the peace that one gets from sleep. He won’t sleep. -
6. Macbeth Murders the Guards
Macbeth murders the kong’s royal guards due to his “fury”. This is stated after they are talking about how the guards were the ones to blame, “ Oh, yet I do repent me of my fury,/That I did kill them.” (II.III.85). This event is major because people question Macbeth why he murders the guards since they all wanted answers from them. He states it was a moment of passion, but the readers know and some of the characters might know that there is something bigger behind it. -
7. Macduff`s Suspicions Rises
Macduff clearly does not believe that the kong’s sons are the ones who killed the king. He hints that there is something bigger. He states, “ Malcolm and Donalbain, the king’s two sons,/Are stol'n away and fled, which puts upon them/Suspicion of the deed” (II.IV.25-27). He mentions that they are considered the main suspects, but Macduff doesn’t say that he believes that they are guilty. Also, Macduff states that he was not going to Macbeth’s coronation which shows suspicion towards Macbeth. -
8. The Crowning of a New Ruler
Macduff mentions that Macbeth is about to be crowned king in Scone, but he will not be going. This is a major event because what will happen now that Macbeth is crowned king? Will his guilt eat him up, will the people love him, will he receive the consequences he deserves? This is something that will affect the rest of the play.