

  • Macbeth gets the title of Thane of Cawdor

  • Macbeth and Banquo were approached by three witches.

    Macbeth and Banquo were approached by three witches.
  • Macbeth has a vsion of Lady Macbeth carrying a dagger.

    Duncan is murdered, and Macduff finds him dead.
  • Macbeth is then crowned king of Scotland.

    Macbeth is then crowned king of Scotland.
    Macbeth tries to kill Banquo, and does not proceed with this. He then seems crazy by seeing and hearing things. They show Macbeth 3 apparitions.
  • Lady Macbeth is sick, and is sleepwalking.

    The doctor says that she should have died a long time ago.
  • Macduff challenges Macbeth in a fight.

    Macduff challenges Macbeth in a fight.
    Macduff defeated Macbeth and took over as king as Scotland.