

  • Macbeth and banquos bravery

    Macbeth and banquos bravery
    as the enemy turned and charged at us macbeth and banquo turn and charged at them.
    Macbeth: Act 2: Scene 1
    Line 38
  • Three witches tell macbeth and Banquo about a prophecy

    Three witches tell macbeth and Banquo about a prophecy
    "all hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Glamis!
    "all hail, Macbeth! Hail to thee, Thane of Cawdor!
    "all hail, Macbeth, That shalt be king hereafter!
    Macbeth: Act 1: scene 3
    Line 48,49,50
  • Period: to

    Macbeths rise and fall from power

  • Duncan the King is murdered

    Duncan the King is murdered
    Ring the alarum bell. Muder and treason! Banquo and Donalbain! Malcom! Awake! Shake off this downy sleep, Death's counterfeit, Ans look on Death itself!
    Macbeth: Act 2: scene 3
    Lines 73,74,75,76
  • Macbeth is Crowned

    Macbeth is Crowned
    Thou hast it now: king' Cawdor, Glamis, all,
    As the weird wemon promised, and i fear thou play'dst most foully for't
    Mecbeth Act 3 scene 1
    Lines 1,2,3
  • Banquo is murdered

    Banquo is murdered
    I'll call upon you straight. Abide within.
    It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul's flight,
    If it find Heaven, must find it out tonight.
    Macbeth: Act 3; Scene 1
    Lines 140,141,142
  • Banquo's Ghost Haunts Macbeth at the Feast

    Banquo's Ghost Haunts Macbeth at the Feast
    Behold! Look! Lo! How say you? Why, what care I? if thou cast nod, Speak too.
    Macbeth: Act 3 scene 4
    Lines 69,70
  • The three witches show Macbeth Banquos line of kings

    The three witches show Macbeth Banquos line of kings
    for the blood-bolted Banquo smiles upon me And pointsat them for his.
    Act 4 Scene 1
    line 123,124
  • Macduff leaves for england

    'tis two or three, my loard, that bring you word Macduff is fled to england.
    Macbeth: Act 4 scene1
    line 141,142
  • Macbeth has Macduffs family killed

    Macbeth has Macduffs family killed
    The castle of Macduff I will suprise: seize upon Fife: give to th' edge o' th' sword. His wofe, his Babes, and all unfortuunate souls, that trace him in his line.
    Macbeth Act 4 scene1
  • Malcom promises Macduff 10,000 troops to fight Macbeth

    Malcom promises Macduff 10,000 troops to fight Macbeth
    Be't their comfort We are comming thither. Gracious England hath Lent us good Siward and ten thousand men An older and a better soilder none That Christendom gives out.
    Macbeth Act4 Scene 3
    lines 189-192
  • Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane

    Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane
    "Fear not, till Birnam wood Do come to Dunsinane"
    Macbeth Act 5 Scene 5
    line 44,45
  • The Battle to end tyranny

    The Battle to end tyranny
    They have tied mo to a stake: I cannotv fly
    But Bearlike I must fight the course.
    Macbeth Act 5 scene 7
    line 1,2
  • Macbeth is slain

    Macbeth is slain
    Macdiff and Macbeth battle and in the battle Macbeth falls benith Macduffs sword.
    Act 5 ending