
The Start of Technology

  • Email Launched - ARPANET

    Email Launched - ARPANET
    To this day this is how we mainly communicate in our school and work places. It has evolved during the years but it is the most basic tool.
  • Floppy Disk Introduced - IBM

    Floppy Disk Introduced - IBM
    We may not use it in our daily lives anymore but it opened the way for USB and hard drives.
  • Cellphone Introduced - Motorola

    Cellphone Introduced - Motorola
    We still use this to function in our day to day.
  • Founding of Microsoft

    Founding of Microsoft
    You will use Microsoft at least once in your life or use one of their products on your computer or cellphone
  • Founding of Apple, Inc.

    Founding of Apple, Inc.
    The start of one of the biggest computer and cellphone makers.
  • Apple II Launch

    The start of the Mac computer we know today
  • GPS - US Navy

    GPS - US Navy
    This is a tool that saves time, lives and trees. We will guide ourselves to our destination from the palm of our hands.