
  • Period: to

    Any Date That has Jan 1st is simply filler. This is because the exact date cannot be found.

    Sorry about that!
  • Australia Colonised

    Today was the day that Austrlia was colonised by British settlers.
  • Second Fleet arrived

    This is known as the death fleat as 278 convices died on this trip. The second fleet brought Food and Supplies to the already colonised first fleet.
  • Matthew Flinders meets the Nyungar tribe

    At first, the relations between the explorers and the Aboriginal inhabitants were generally pretty good and based on understanding the terms of trading for food, water, axes, cloth and artefacts, a relationship encouraged by Governor Phillip. These relations became bad as Aborigines realised that the land and resources which they depended on, and the order of their life were seriously at risk by the presence of the colonisers. *Not this date is approximate. Records state summer.
  • Mabo's Birth

    Mabo was the son of Robert Zezou Sambo and Annie Mabo of the Piadaram clan. Butsince his mother died in child birth he was adopted by his uncle Benny Mabo and aunt Maiga.
  • Bonita Nehow was born

    The day Eddie Mabo's wife Bonita Nehow was born into the world. *Exact Date couldn't be found. Year is accurate but day and month are incorrect.
  • Eddie moves to the mainland

    Left Mer and moved to the mainland. Subsequently worked at various jobs including canecutter and railway labourer. *Exact Date couldn't be found. Year is accurate but day and month are incorrect.
  • Married Bonita Nehow

  • Townsville

    Organised seminar in Townsville: 'We the Australians: What is to Follow the Referendum?
  • The sad death of Eddie's father

    Mabo and family travelled to Thursday Island en route to Mer with the intention of visiting Mabo's dying father, but were denied entry to Mer.
  • Land Rights

    Spoke about land rights at James Cook university.
    Decision made to take the Murray Islanders' land case to the High Court.
  • Land Rights Case launched!

    Plaintiffs included: Mabo, Sam Passi, Father Dave Passi, James Rice and Celuia Mapo Salee.
  • At the High Court

    High Court ruled the Queensland Coast Islands Declaratory Act 1985 contrary to the Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975.
  • Mabo's Death

    Mabo died of cancer.
  • High Courts Verdict

    Mabo won 6-1 overturning the 205-year-old legal doctrine of terra nullius.
  • Influence 1

    The Mabo case influances how we live today. As you know there is a national sorry day, and it is now a polite custom to tell your audiance before giving a speech or singing the national anthem to say who's land we're on.
  • Something Horrible...

    On the third anniversary of the decision, a traditional ‘tombstone ceremony’ was held at Mabo’s grave in Townsville. That night his grave was vandalised and painted with swastikas and racial slurs.
  • Mabo’s body was moved to Murray Island, the land he dedicated his life to.