Maaz Iqbal's Timeline

By maaiqb1
  • 221


    Hopefully I can become an accountant at one of the top accounting firms. I hope to make 100,000 at least and then eventually start up my own business on the side
  • Date of birth and where

    Date of birth and where
    I was born on Decemeber 22nd 1998 in Chicago IL. I live with my mom, dad, and i have 2 older sisters as well.
  • Sports I was involved in

    Freshman year, I Played soccer and basketball for the Niles North teams. Those were the 2 major things i was involved in freshman year
  • Sophomore year sports

    Sophomore year sports
    I played soccer again sophomore year but I didnt do basketball.
  • My first Job

    I started my first job at Jump Zone to start off the new year once I turned 16. I started working after soccer season and I'm still currently working at the same place. When I first started working I was a monitor so I would watch over the kids as they played. But after 3-4 months I became a party coordinator which means I set up birthday parties for kids who celebrate their birthday at Jump Zone.
  • Junior Year goal

    I decided not to do soccer this year and instead try and study and focus on trying to do good on the ACT which is one of my big goals which is to get a 30 on the ACT
  • Junior Year activities

    I joined the Business club here at Niles North called DECA. I also joined the club PALS this yearand hope to be in both of these clubs and hopefully more next year.
  • college

    I plan on going to college for at least my baceholor degree in accounting. I'm not 100% sure yet but i think thats what I want to do. I want to get a job right after i get my bachelors degree and work for a couple years before going back to grad school to get my masters.
  • My car

    Well since its going to be my first care and I will only be needing to drive to school ad work and maybe whenever i need to hang out with my friends it wont be a great car. I'll probably end up having my sisters old car which is a 2010 Toyota Camry. Once I finish school and get a steady job I'll think about buying myself the car I actually want.
  • Living

    I plan on staying here in Illiniois because most of my family is here and I want to stay close to my family and friends hopefully.
  • Where I'll be living

    I think ill live in the suburbs, hopefully I can stay where im living currently which is in Morton Grove. Again I hope I can stay here because I have a lot of family and friends so It would be great if I could stay where I am now.
  • Job after 10 years

    After finishing school, I plan to be working full time as an accountent at one of the big 3 accounting firms in chicago. I hope im making around 100,000 and I will be thinking about starting my own business as well
  • State I'll be living in after 10 years

    I hope to remain in Illinois. That is the plan unless I cant find a job here but the plan is to stay here and its where i hope to be.
  • Own a house after 10 years

    I will most likely own a house after 10 years because my family owns 4 houses already (3 in this area) so I hope to be living in 1 after 10 years.
  • Married after 10 years

    I hope I am married because in 10 years I'll be 27! so that would be the perfect time to get married assuming I am settled in with a job and a house. I also hope to have 2 kids maybe more but for now 2. I havent decided if I want a pet or not. I would love to have a dog but we'll see how my future wife feels about that.