13 states   guffefeld

lynch 13 Colonies

  • Jan 1, 1500

    Church of England

    Church of England
    England broke away from the roman catholic church and created a new church called church of England.
  • Raleigh Sends Over 100 Men to Roanoke

    Raleigh Sends Over 100 Men to Roanoke
    Queen Elizabeth allowed Raleigh to send over 100 men to Roanoke island.
  • John White Found the Men are Killed

    John White Found the Men are Killed
    John White found out the men in the fort were killed by someone.
  • Sailed to the New World

    Sailed to the New World
    The middle colonies sailed to the new world.
  • Stepped Foot on Land

    Stepped Foot on Land
    The pilgrims finally stepped foot on land in November.
  • Held a Feast

    Held a Feast
    After the first successful harvest in the fall, governor William Bradford held a celebration feast.
  • Search of Religious Freedom

    Search of Religious Freedom
    Another group left England to search for religious freedom.
  • Charted of Privileges

    Charted of Privileges
    To celebrate the 50th anniversary of William pen's charted of privileges.
  • Issued First Anti-Slavery docoment

    Issued First Anti-Slavery docoment
    The Philadelphia Quaker meeting issued the first anti-slavery document in history.
  • King Charles II

    King Charles II
    King Charles II decided to give William Penn land in the new world.