First fleet sydney harbour

Luke's Colonial History Timeline

By Room 17
  • First Fleet

    First Fleet
    In 1788the First Fleet arrived in Sydney with captain Arther Phillip who sailed with 11 ships to arrive and deliver the prisoners. Captain Arther Phillp was in charge of the first fleet.The ships arrived in Sydney between the 18th and the 20th of January 1788.
  • Period: to

    colonial australia

  • Matthew Flinders

    Matthew Flinders was born on the 16th of march 1744 in England. He was a cartographer and a navigator. He was the first to sail around Ausralia,proving Van Diemens Land was a separate island. He started sailing around Australia from the 18thof July 1814 in England.
  • the Australian Gold Rush

    In 1851, Edward Hargraves discovered a grain of gold in the waterhole near Bathurst, New South Wales. The authorities In Victoria didn’t want to lose its population to NSW. A reward of 200 pounds was offered for any gold found around Melbourne. Six months after the gold was found in NSW, gold was discovered in Ballarat, followed by Bendigo Creek. Also the population in Victoria grew from 77,000 to 540,000 over two years.
  • Eureka Stockade

    On the 3 of December 1854 the battle of the Eureka Stockade happened. It was between the miners and the government .The miners didn’t want to buy a licence to mine for gold. During the battle 22 miners died.
  • the Australian Federation part 2

    Before Federation in 1901 each colony had its own government and laws, and its own railway, postage stamps and taxes. This means that there were lots of problems for the people, and Federation helped to fix this situation.
  • the Australian Federation part 1

    The Australian Federation was when the colonies of New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia and Tasmania voted to become the states of Australia, known as the Commonwealth of Australia.
    The colonies voted on and agreed to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act, which happened on the 1st of January 1901, this was Australian Federation.Western Australia was not part of the agreement but also agreed to join the Federation. on the 1st of January 1901.