Luke 8:1-18
The parable of the sower -
Luke 8:16-25
The lamp stand, Jesus' family , and Jesus calms the water -
Luke 8:26-39
The healing of the possessed demon man -
Luke 8:40-56
Jesus raised jarius' daughter and heals the sick -
Luke 9:1-9
Jesus sends out 12 -
Luke 9:10-17
Jesus feeds 5000 -
Luke 9:18-36
Peter confesses Christ, and the transfiguration -
Luke 9:37-50
Jesus heals a demon possed boy, predicts his death and tells who is first -
Luke 9:51-10:23
Samaritans opposition, the cost of following Jesus, jesus sends out 72 others -
Luke 1331-14-
Luke 1331-14-
Luke 10:25-37
The parable of the gold samartine -
Luke 11:14-37
Jesus and the Pharisees the sign on Jonah the lamb of the body -
Luke 13:31-14:14
Jesus sorrows for Jerusalem and eating at the Pharisees hours -
Luke 11:37-12:12
Jesus princes woe to the Pharisees -
Luke 12:13-34
The parable of the rich fool -
Luke 12:35-59
Jesus speaks of the watchfulness division and being ready -
Luke 13:1-17
Jesus preaches repentance and heals a cripple woman -
Luke 13:18-30
The parable of the mustard seed the yeast and narrow door -
The great banquet and the cost of being a disciple -
Luke 15
The parable of the post sheep coin and prodigal son -
Luke 16:1-18
The parable of the shrewd manager and additional teaching -
Luke 16:19-31
The rich man and Lazarus -
Luke 17:1-19
Sin faith and duty 10 healed leporsy -
Luke 17:20-37
The coming of the kingdom of God -
Luke 18:1-17
Parable of the presistant widow. The parable of the Pharisee and the tax collector and the little children