Luke 9:51-10:25
Laminar an opposition the cost of following jesus and see king out the 12 decipoles -
Luke 8:1-15
The parable of the sower -
Luke 8:16-25
Lamp stand Jesus family and Jesus calmed the storm -
Luke 8:26-39
The healing of the demon possessed man -
Luke 9:1-9
Jesus sends out the twelve -
Luke 9:10-17
Jesus feeds 5,000 -
Luke 9:18-36
Peter counter tesseses chilies -
Luke 9:37-50
Less healed the down possessed by and pro tells his death -
Luke 10:38-11_13
Jesus at the home of many and Martha and teaching about prayer -
Luke 11:14-36
Jesus ad sat an the sign if Jonah and the lamp of the body -
Luke 12:13-34
The parable of the rich fool and do not worry -
Luke 11:32 12:17
Jesus's pronounces wipes on the pharicess -
Luke 13:1-17
Jesus teaches on the repenteces and heals a crippled woman of]n the sabbath day -
Luke 13:18-30
The parable of the mustard seed me yeast and the the narrow dears -
Luke 13:31-14:14
Jesus sorrow for Jerusalem and calling at a phrases have -
Luke 14:15-36 the great banquet and the carb of beng a decipoles
the great banquet and the carb of beng a decipoles -
Luke 15
The parables of the sheep the coin and the son -
Luke 16:1-18
The parable of the peered marager and additional teachings -
Luke 17:1-19
Sin earth and duty and healed of leporacey -
Luke 17:2o-37
The coming of the kingdom of God -
Luke 18:11-17
Parable of the persistence wisdom the parable of the pharisises and th tax collector and the little children and Jesus -
Luke 18:18-43
The rich ruler less again predicts his death and a beggar receives his sight