Luis Y. Rivera - Shigueru Miyamoto

  • Birth

    He was born in Sonobe, Kyoto, Japan.
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    Early Life

    During his early life, he studied at the Kanazawa Municipal College of Industrial Arts.
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    Arcade Beginnings

    Miyamoto started working for Nintendo with arcade machines. He helped create games like Radar Scope and Donkey Kong.
  • Start In Gaming

    Start In Gaming
    Miyamoto was inspired to enter the videogame industry thanks to Space Invaders.
  • Donkey Kong

    Donkey Kong
    Miyamoto helped create Donkey Kong.
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    The First Console

    Nintendo released the NES, their first console. Miyamoto created a bunch of games for the system.
  • Super Mario Bros.

    Super Mario Bros.
    Shigueru Miyamoto created one of the most iconic games ever.
  • The Legend Of Zelda

    The Legend Of Zelda
    Miyamoto created another game that made a path to a new series.
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    SNES To N64

    Miyamoto kept making games for the SNES and later on for the N64. This last one was Nintendo's first 3D environment console.
  • Super Mario 64

    Super Mario 64
    Myamoto helped create this game. It was Mario's first step to 3D.
  • The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time

    The Legend Of Zelda Ocarina Of Time
    Shigueru Miyamoto worked on a project that turned into one of the best videogames of all time.
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    GameCube, Wii, And DS

    Miyamoto helped create game for different series. He also created Super Mario Galaxy and its sequel.
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    Wii U, And The Nintendo 3DS

    Nintendo finally went to HD gaming, but they also went forward with 3D gaming. Miyamoto helped create games for both the Wii U and the 3DS.
  • Super Mario Maker

    Super Mario Maker
    Miyamoto helped create a new game for Mario's 30th Anniversary.
  • Nintendo Switch

    Nintendo Switch
    Nintendo released the hybrid console named Nintendo Switch.
  • Super Mario Odyssey

    Super Mario Odyssey
    Shigueru Miyamoto created the last Super Mario game to date called Super Mario Odyssey.