I was Born
In Mayaguez Puerto Rico -
Started Kndergarthen
Started First Grade
I formally started my English education. I noticed I could not figure out what teachers talked in English among them. -
Graduated sixth Grade
I was able to understand some of the things that teachers talked in English among themselves. My language was still very limited. -
Started Seventh Grade
Still developing English, but at a limited rate. -
My dad got Cable TV for the house.
Important event in my language developement. First time I had more than school exposition to the language. -
Fell in love with Rock and metal music
I got even more exposition to the language. -
Noticed I was laughing at the jokes from English speaking TV shows.
Started my High School senior Year. Took English with Luis Pagan.
He taught me the phonetic symbold (IPA) and about literature -
Said the Gettysburg Address for Englsh Class.
For Mr Pagan every senior had to deliver the Gettysburg Address to graduate. -
Started my English Bachelor's degree in the Colegio
Took writing course with Dr. Francisco Betancourt.
Dr Betancourt taught me how words had to be organized n tha page and how paragraphs has to be separate units. He really improved my writing. -
Started Seminar with Dr. Elizabeth Dayton
Dr. Dayton taught me a lot about research methods and ebonics. -
Took American Lt wth Dr. Jose Irizarry.
Dr Irrizarry gave me a new perspective on Literature. A real eye openng experience for me. -
Graduated from the Colegio
Started working as an Eglish teacher n the DE
Started Workng at Antonio Gonzalwz Suarez Bilingual School.
Started my Elementary English Certification
I studied at The Universidad Catolica in Mayaguez -
Finshed my Elementary English Certification courses
Started my Maester's Degree n English Curriculum
I studied at Caribbean University n Ponce. -
Graduated from my Master's Degree n English Curriculum
Started my Bilngual Certification in Sagrado