Luis C History of science Timeline

By 2033853
  • 1200 BCE

    First Human settlements

    This is an important part of history because once humans stopped moving so much they were able to settle and ask questions expanding their brain.
  • Period: 470 BCE to 322 BCE

    Greek Philosophers

    Socrates ,Plato , Aristotle, The big names in ancient greek philosophy. All these philosophers wanted to know how the universe/world worked All three philosophers came up with systems and rolls to find how things worked. Aristotle system was based on five elements those elements were earth, water, air, fire, and Aether. The Universe followed specific laws, this idea carried forward in science
  • 400 BCE

    Greek Natural Philosophy

    Greek Natural Philosophy
    era of Greek science, based on philosophy (Aristotle, Pythagoras)
  • Period: 500 to 1500

    Science in the middle ages

    Drs. wrote down what they observed
    2. Galen populrised a lot of the old methods and put them into a new and improved way of medicine
    3. Humoral system was the most prominent medicine in from rome until the 1800s
    4. Al-razi had ideas and theories that contradicted Galens theories he also named specific diseases
    5. Life was linked to the movements of special fluids, which were the objects of medical
  • Period: 750 to 1500

    Science in the medieval middle east

    The Islamic universities were used for translating Greek and Persian scientific writings and research, observatories were used for studying Astronomy and Astrology which helped them keep track of time more efficiently, including making calendars and clocks.In cities like Samarkand, Baghdad,and Damascus places of study like the House of Wisdom where they also figured out advancements like the circumference of the Earth and Trigonometry, studying the laws of Physics, Optics, and Engineering.
  • 1098

    Hildegard of Bingen

    Hildegard of Bingen
    Birth: 1098 in Bermersheim (Germany)
    Death: 1179 in Rupertsberg (Germany)
    She wrote theological, botanical and medicinal text. Pope Benedict XVI named her a Doctor of the Church.two volumes of material on natural medicine and cures;In both texts, Hildegard describes the natural world around her, including the cosmos, animals, plants, stones, and minerals.Hildegard also wrote Physica, a text on the natural sciences
  • 1493


    Paracelsus was from Einsiedeln,Switzerland he did most of his work in Basel where he reached the peak of his career.He taught people the importance of medicine and healing using nature as a medicine for treating wounds such as padding with moss or dried dung that prevented natural draining.He rejected the older methods that would do more harm than good and helped improve the way used medicine with his new discoveries and helped shape the modern world of medicine we have today.
  • 1550

    Renaissance Science

    Renaissance Science
    Earth orbits the Sun (Copernicus)
    first printing press (Caxton)
  • Issac Newton

    Issac Newton
    Issac newton was alive threw 1643-1727 Issac Newton was from Woolsthrope Manor House
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    theory of gravity (Newton); invention of telescope
  • Early Industrial Era

    Early Industrial Era
    Theory of evolution by natural selection (Darwin); early railways
    photography invented
  • Early to Mid-1900s

    Early to Mid-1900s
    first powered flight; theory of special relativity (Einstein)
    wireless telegraphy invented
  • Modern Era

    Modern Era
    first human on the moon (Armstrong)
    computers with silicon chips