Lucky Stars

  • Natalia is born

    Declan (24) has a baby with a Polish woman he meets while working abroad in Germany
  • Angela is born

    Angela was born in Sydney to a woman named Elle (19) who worked as a teacher. Her father was unknown
  • Angela moves to Toronto

    Elle and Angela moved to Toronto, where Elle has a one night stand with a Lebanese man, who gets her pregnant
  • Amy is born

    Amy is born in Toronto with her father not being present
  • Hitomi is born

    Hitomi is born into a wealthy family in Kumamoto
  • Elle starts dating Declan

    Declan moves to Toronto after divorcing with his previous wife, and begins dating Elle
  • Elle and Declan get married

    By this time, Declan has shared with Elle and her kids that he has another daughter, Yulia. However, her mother wants nothing to do with Declan
  • Lena is born

    Elle and Declan have a baby together, and Lena is born
  • Hitomi's family moves to Seattle

  • Angela starts dating Bryson

    During her final year of high school, Angela starts to date her long time crush
  • The Fallout

    Elle finds out that Declan is cheating on her, and they get a divorce.
  • Violet is born

  • Cece is born

  • Autumn is born

  • Kira is born

    a few years after Declan left her for Elle, Yulia moved back to Russia, where she later marries a new man
  • Sam is born

    a few months prior, Angela and Bryson break up
  • Jackie is born

  • Amy and Hitomi get married

    Amy moves in with Hitomi in Seattle shortly after
  • Violet & Autumn are adopted by Amy & Hitomi

  • Lena moves to Boston for University

  • Jackie is adopted by Amy & Hitomi

  • Angela and her kids move to San Deigo

    the move was to put Cece closer to the university she wanted to go to. but Angela didn't want a repeat of what happened with Lena, where they slowly lost touch