Lucis pocahontas

lucis 13 colonies

  • Period: 1580 to

    john smith

    captian smith was a english soldier and a explorer and a authur he travled to the new world and thats where he found pocahontas tribe he was on a boat one night and his pocket caught on fire he had to go back to england cause of the burn he spended the rest of his life in england he died in 1631
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    captian ratcliffe

    john ratcliffe was the captain of the discovery one of the ships that sailed to the new world he was a bad person he was governor of Jamestown for awhile ratcliffe was born in 1585 and died i n 1620 in Virginia
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    pocahontas is a indian who was the daughter of chief she was a kind hearted girl she saved a man named captian johnsmith from being killed pocahontas and johnsmith became good friends in 1613 she was kidnapped by the english and this thing changed her hole life pocahontas arrived in england she became a christian and married a guy named john rolfe she died in1617
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    Squanto is a Indian who helped the pilgrims in the new world which is america he was captured by the English years later he came back to his village and saw no sign of anybody he was sad later he saw pilgrims and helped them he told his story to them and then they became good friends and did thanksgiving
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    Jamestown was the first village in the new world it was a place where pilgrims stayed and were safe from the wild animals it was built in 1607 it had a lot of attacks from Indians and a couple of houses were burnt down but it survived and kept the people safe
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    in 1621 at Plymouth plantation in Massachusetts was the first thanksgiving it was a time where pilgrims and Indians got together to have a feast and play games and make there friendship grow stronger with each other they did races and ate and that's how and why we have thanks giving every year
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    John Rolfe

    john rolfe was the husband of Pocahontas he lived in England and he was married in 1614 he was one of the early English settlers