Fugitive slave act modified
The fugitive slave act was modified. It allowed for southern slave owners to go into northern free states to recover runaway slaves. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe publishes uncle tom's Cabn as a response to pro-slavery movement.According to legend, Abraham Lincoln greeted Harriet Beecher Stowe in 1862 by saying "So you're the little woman who wrote the book that started this great war. -
Kansas Nebraska Act
Congress passes the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This overturns the Missouri Compromise and allows for slavery in northern territories. Settlers from both sides move into the area to influence future outcome of these areas. -
Senator Rumble in Congress
Massachusettes Senator Charles Sumner delivers a speech attacking slavery supporters in the Senate. He singled out Senator Andrew Butler of South Carolina. Two Days later Butler's son representative of South Carolina attacks Sumner and beats him with a cane. The house did not expel or even sensor the man for beating him. -
Dredd Scott
The supreme court rules in the Scott V. Sandford trial that blacks are not U.S citizens, and that slave owners have the right to take slaves into free areas of the country,The Dred Scott decision opened the eyes of Northerners who believed that slavery was tolerable as long as it stayed in the South. If the decision took away any power Congress once had to regulate slavery in new territories, they reasoned, slavery could quickly expand into much of the western United State -
John Brown
John Brown attacks Harper's Ferry, Virginia. Robert E. Lee, who was a federal army regular, lead troops to the capture of John Brow. After caught he and two black members of his band were hanged. "No man in America has ever stood up so persistently and effectively for the dignity of human nature. . . ." -
Lincoln Election
Abraham Lincoln is elected president. Lincoln received 40% of the popular vote and won 59% of the Electoral votes. He was not even on the ballot in the deep south.