The Loyola Water Bottle Debate Begins
Loyola University Water Colloquium Week from April 12, 2010 - April 16, 2010. Week long events involved activities at Loyola's three Chicago campus. Events included: tap water table test, films, sculptures, and discussions. The event was organized by Loyola's Center for Urban Research and Policy and Students in Loyola's STEP class. Check out the Weeks Events:
http://www.luc.edu/cuerp/Bottled_Water_Colloq.sh Check out the STEP Students Project:
http://www.luc.edu/cuerp/Water_STEP_2010.shtml -
Debate Goes Viral
Loyola Student Dispatch interviews student on whether or not bottled water should be banned on campus. After talking to students they concluded Loyola needed to create better water facilites before a ban could be possible. Check out Loyola Student Dispatch Video:
http://loyolastudentdispatch.com/2010/05/06/ban-water-bottles-fix-the-fountains-first/ Photo By: joshme17, Flickr -
Loyola Student Environmental Alliance Picks up the Campaign
Loyola's Student Environmental Alliance starts their water campaign, focusing on water issues. This includes: waste, privitization, clean tap water and beginning talks of bottle water bans. They distribute water bottles designed by Loyola Student, Molly Costello at their tabeling events. Photo By: Michelle Stein -
Loyola's Student Environemental Alliance Pledge
Loyola's Student Environmental Alliance luanches their pledge to not purchase water from campus. They encoruage the Loyola community to think outside the bottle and not to purchase bottle water. Te pledge was started by Student Environmental Alliance Co-Presidents Aaron Hammond and Selenia Murillo. In seven months, from beginning of April to end of October they recieved support from 113 people. Check out SEA's Petition Here:
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/water_luc/ Photo By: b.k.l.r, -
Bottle Water Pledge Recieves First Cristicsm
Blogger, Patrick Coyle writes a post on Young Aermica's Foundation, a conservative group against Loyola's "Think Outside The Bottle Petition". He states that banning bottled water would be unsafe due to the high amount of lead in tap water like D.C. Read Coyle's full article here:
http://www.yaf.org/water-bottle-ban.aspx -
Student Environmental Alliance Launches Second Bottle Water Petition
Loyola's Student Environmental Alliance launches second peition to think outside the botttle. For the second petition not only do they pledge tostop buying bottle water but they also encoruage Loyola Univeristy to not include bottle water sales in their new beverage contracts. 747 people signed the pledge from end of October, 2011 to beginning of March, 2012. Check out the peition here:
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/luc_water/signatures/page/15 Photo By: katerha, Flicker -
Counter Petition at Loyola Luanched
Loyola sophomore, Dominic Lynch launches a counter petition to keep bottle water on campus. The petition supports the sale of bottle water because it would restrict the consumers right of choice. The peition also sites that banning bottle water would be inconsitent with the goal to reduce plastic. Luanched late Nivember, the peition recieved 43 signatures by early December 2011. Check out the full petition here:
http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/keep-the-caps/signatures Photo: djwaldow, CC -
LUChameleon Publishes Article Against Water Privatization
Copy editior, Brinttney Rooney writes an aritcle against water privatization and the injustice that occurs when selling people back their own free water. She states that is hypocritical for Loyola to sell bottle water due to their Jesuit ideals. Check out Brittney's full story here:
http://luchameleon.com/2011/12/free-water-for-sale/ -
USGA Polls Students on Facebook
Loyola's Unified Student Government Assoication luanched a poll on Facebook asking students if Loyola should end the sale of bottled water on campus. Out of the 512 people that responded, 336 people voted yes. Check out the Facebook page for feedback:
http://www.facebook.com/questions/10150420577922695/ -
USGA Passes Uncap LUC Resolution
Loyola's Senate of the Unified Student Government Assoication passed the Uncap resolution with a vote of 19-10. The resolution states that they believe Loyola should no longer sell water bottles. Student Body President Dean Vera stated that he knew some members of the Loyola community would be unahppy with the verdict but the majority of the Loyola community wanted to push for the ban. Check of Vera's full statement here:
http://loyolausga.com/blog/2011/12/09/statement-from-the-president-regard -
Loyola Communication Student Writes Article
Writing for the Web student, Alyssa Pronely posts her video debate on HUB BUB on whether or not Loyola should ban the sale of water bottles. In the video she presents both sides of the argument focusing on members of the USGA. Check out here video here:
http://blogs.luc.edu/hubbub/featured/video-debate-banning-water-bottles-on-campus/ -
The Loyola Phenix Continues Conservation on Bottle Bam=n
The Loyola newspaper publishes and article stating that the debate lives on for the bottled water ban. However, this time the debate is heating up between students and bottled water provider Aramark. Currently, a committee is being formed to develope communcation among the students, administration, and Aramark. Check of the Phenoix's full Article here:
http://www.loyolaphoenix.com/campus-water-bottle-controversy-uncapped Photo By: Redfishingboat.com, Flickr -
Loyola Installs Water Bottle Refueling Stations
Loyola installed water bottle refueling stations at Loyola over spring break. Students came back to find refueling stations in Halas and Information Commons. There is already one station on the first floor of Mundeline. Photo By: m.gifford, CC -
World Water Day
Loyola will celebrate world water day with a screening of Tapped at 6:45pm. Snacks and refershments will be provided with a discussion followed after by Emily Carroll of Food and Water Watch, Check out the Facebook Page for more details: