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  • End of seven years of war

    End of seven years of war
    At the end of the seve years of war the British took over the country. At this time they made some rules which the patriots (people who wanted America as an independent nation so they rebeled against Britain) didn't like. Some of the Americans became loyalists, they became loyal to Britain. They did this for many reasons one is that they thought if they stay loyal they will gain loyalty to the crown, others wanted a defender to defend them.
  • Boston massacre

    Boston massacre
    The Boston massacre happened on king street in Boston. Some drunk people were harassing eight British soldiers on the duty. Somebody said "fire" and all eight soldiers started shooting. In this three people were killed and 8 were wounded. After the soldiers were sent to the court, there lawyer John Adams convinced the jury to let them free as they fired only for self defence.
  • American revolution

    American revolution
    The American Revolution was a war between America and Britain because America wanted independence from Britain. During this time the loyalists stayed loyal to Britain. This angered the american colonists (patriots) because there people were supporting their enemy, Britain. Britain had three times more people then America and they were also stronger and wealthy. America still defeated Britain. This is the reason America and Canada are to independent countries today.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence to recognize America af an independent country it was signed by Thomas Jefferson. July 4 of 1776 officially became the birth of America. This is why America celebrates on July 4th
  • End of the American Revolution

    End of the American Revolution
    At the end of the American revolution, America has won independence for there country they told the British to leave and find another place to live they also told the loyalists to leave their nation as they help americas enemy.