Louis xiv

Louis XIV timeline

  • Louis XIV Birth date

    Louis XIV Birth date
    Louis XIV came out of the womb
  • King

    Louis XIV becomes leader in 1643
  • Period: to

    Break of france

    from 1648 to 1653, violent anti-Mazarin because riots tore France apart
  • Population

    In 1660, France had about 20 million people. This was four times as many as England and ten times as many as Dutch republic.
  • Weakens nobles

    Mazarin died in 1661 which led to Louis XIV to take control of the government and he weakened the power of nobles by excluding them from his councils
  • Attempts to expand France's Boundries

    In 1667, just six years after Mazarin's death, Louis invaded the Spanish Netherlands in an effort to expand France's boundaries
  • Colberts death

    in 1685, he canceled the Edicts of Nantes, which protected the religious freedom of Huguenots.
  • War of spanish succession

    The costly war dragged on until 1714. The Treaty of Utrecht was signed in that year. Under it's terms, Louis's grandson was allowed to remain King of Spain so long as the thrones of France and Spain were not united
  • Louis XIV's Death

    Louis XIV's Death
    He died on September 1, 1715 in his bed