At Age 5 Louis Becomes King
Period: to
Violent Anti-Mazarin Riots Erupt
Cardinal Mazarin dies, Louis at age 22 takes full control of france and apoints Jean-Baptiste Colbart as the new financial advisor of france
Colbart prevented wealth from leaving france and tried to make france self-sufficient. He wanted france to be ableto make what they needed instead of relying on imports from other countries. -
Louis XIV invades the Spanish Netherlands
Triple Alliance is formed
The Triple Alliance was an alliance between Sweden, the English and the Dutch. They formed the alliance because the french empire was rapidly growing and they all feared that they would lose there land to the french empire. -
Louis XIV leads an army into the Dutch Netherlands
Treaty of Nijmegen
A European wide alliance was formed.
Louis cancels the Edict of Nantes
War of the Spanish Succesion
Treaty of Utrecht
Louis XIV died in his bed