Louis begins his life
Louis XIV is born -
Louis became King of France
Louis XIV became the king of France at age four. His reign was the longest that ever lasted of any European Monarch, it lasted 72 years. -
Louis gets married
Louis and his wife Maria Theresa of Spain, then had six children from the marriage contrin 1661 -
Louis gets absolute control
Cardinal Mazarin dies, at age 22 Louis XIV takes full control of France. -
Louis tries to expand France
Louis XIV invades the Spanish Netherlands in an effort to expand Frances bounders. -
Louis cancels the Edict of Nantes.
Dutch prince William of Orange become king of England
Dutch prince William of Orange joined the league of of Ausgburg, and that league had many European leaders of European countries. All the countries made up to France's strength. So France was weakened by a poor harvest, which then led up to war, France clealry suffered greatly. Louis had to raise taxes, so he could pa for the wars and such. -
Louis XIV dies
Louis realizes that the wars have ruined France. Louis XIV died in his bed