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Pierre mignard after   louis xiv with dark full bottomed wig and armour

Louis XIV

By Nathen
  • Louis XIV's Father Dies

    Louis XIV's Father Dies
    Louis XIV was 4 years old when his father died at age 41 from Crohn's disease.
  • Parlement of Paris rebels against Mazarin

    Parlement of Paris rebels against Mazarin
    When Louis XIV was just 10 years old the Parlement of Paris rebelled against Louis XIV's chief minister, Mazarin. This would cause a civil war known as the Fronde
  • Mazarin achieves victory over the Rebels

    Mazarin achieves victory over the Rebels
  • Louis XIV marries Marie-Therese of Austria

    Louis XIV marries Marie-Therese of Austria
  • Louis XIV takes true control over France

    Louis XIV takes true control over France
    Throughout Louis XIV's early reign, Mazarin had true control over France but when he died in 1661, Louis took complete control
  • Louis strengthens government

    Louis strengthens government
    After the death of Mazarin, Louis took control of the whole government by decreasing the power of the nobles in order for the government to gain power
  • Louis XIV invades the Spanish Netherlands

    Louis XIV invades the Spanish Netherlands
  • Period: to

    Louis XIV had Colbert oversee contrusction of the Paris Observatory

  • Louis expands the Palace of Versailles

    Louis expands the Palace of Versailles
    The Palace of Versailles was built by Louis XIV's father, it was supposed to be a hunting lodge. Louis expanded the palace to proof his absolute power
  • Franco-Dutch War

    Franco-Dutch War
    Start of the Franco-Dutch War
  • End of the Franco-Dutch War

  • Louis cancels the Edict of Nantes

    Louis cancels the Edict of Nantes
    With the edict of Nantes gone, this slowed down the economic process of France.
  • War of the Spanish Succession

    War of the Spanish Succession
  • Louis XIV begins to generate public hostility

    This is largely due to the lack of religious freedom throughout his kingdom