Period: to
Chapter 3
Jack hunting in the forest
Jack is hunting a pig in the forest, and fails to stick it with a spear. -
Ralph, Simon and Jack at the huts by the beach
Jack takes a break from hunting as Ralph and Simon fail to build shelters. The others are out playing. Ralph and Jack get in a argument over productivity. -
Simon goes off in forest
Simon wanders off into the forest into seemingly unexplored territory, fnding peace in a patch of creepers, large leaves, and white flowers in the shade. -
Painting the hunters faces
The hunters use red and white clay, along with charcoal, to paint their face so they could hunt pigs. They all head off to find the pigs. -
A ship in the distance
While bathing in their pool, Ralph sees the smoke of a ship in the distance. The fire on the mountain is out, as the watchers had left to find pigs. -
The pig and the fire
The hunters capture and kill a pig. Ralph is mad because they let the fire go out and a ship sailed by. Ralph gets mad at Jack, and Jack gets mad at being blamed. Jack breaks Piggy's specs.
They rebuild and relight the fire together. They all eat meat, aside from Piggy, down on the beach. -
The "littluns"
The littluns are in a dirty state, picking fruits and cowering, huddled together, in the dark during night. They play on the beach, building sandcastles. The bigguns bully the littluns without being punished, as there are no parents. -
Period: to
Chapter 4
The littluns and the beast
The meeting goes on to discuss the littluns fear. The group tosses around the idea that the beast comes from the sea. Jack rouses the croud and the run awya from the meeting and chant on the beach in the dark. -
Ralph on the Beach
Ralph thinks as he walks on the beach, then heads to the meeting platform for a meeting. He discusses how they all made promises and none of them are being kept. Then he makes some new rules angering the poeple. -
Sam and Eric on the mountain
Sam and Eric, the twins, are on the mountian and have relighted the fire. They see something below and get scared. They run and get Ralph. -
The morning beast meeting
They discuss the beast the twins saw and come to the conslussion that they should hunt it. After eating, they set out to find the beast in the one place they haven't been. -
The Rocky End
After trekking through the forest they reach the rocky end of the island. Ralph enters the cave first. The find that it is a good vantage point for a fort and that there is no beast there. They all go back to the mountain to relight the fire. -
Period: to
Chapter 6
Piggy or the mountain
The group must decide whether to go to Piggy or the mountain. They decide one person can go and tell Piggy that the rest are at the mountain. Simon goes, andf the rest make it to the pig-run path. Jack, Ralph, and Roger head up the mountain while the rest return. -
The mountain
Jack goes up alone and runs back down to Ralph and Roger claiming he saw something. They all go up together. They see something bowed on the top of the mountain, and run back to the shelters, abandoning their sticks. -
Period: to
Chapter 7
Jacks Departing
On the beach nobody can believe that they saw the beast. Ralph insults the hunters and Jack blows the conch. He announces that he is leaving Ralphs group, and runs away. Simon suggests they climb the mountain. -
A New Fire
The hunters leave closely behind Jack, and the ones that remain decide to build a fire on the beach. Simon wants to climb the mountain. The others feast while Simon goes to his quite place. -
The Hunters
Jack and his hunters meet up and decide to hunt pigs and leave some as offering to the beast. After chasing and killing a pig, they decide to steal the conch and take some fire from the other group. SImon is there, hiding in his spot. -
An Invitation and the Lord of the Flies
The hunters enter Ralphs camp with painted faces, taking some fire. Jack invites all to join his tribe and says that there will be a feast. Meanwhile Simon in in his spot, while the Lord of the Flies (the pigs head) taunts him. -
Period: to
Chapter 8
The "Beast"
Simon climbs to the top of the mountain in a daze and finds that the "beast" is a dead man who parachuted onto the island. -
The Feast
Everybody goes to the hunters feast, even Ralph and Piggy. After most joins Jacks tribe, against Ralphs command, they dance around in the rain. Simon dies and is washed in the ocean. -
Period: to
Chapter 9
The Dire Beach
Jack Piggy and Samneric are having trouble keeping a fire going, so they decide to only light it during the day. At night the hunters attack, and beat Ralph and Samneric up. Jack takes Piggy's glasses and they leave. -
The Remaining Group
Piggy and Ralph discuss whether Simon was murdered intentionally while Samneric gather wood. They are all that remain of the original group. -
Castle Rock
Roger returns, and learns that Wilfred is tied up and going to be beaten. After beating Wilfred, Jack takes some hunting and leaves some to improve and guard the cave. -
Period: to
Chapter 10
A Plan
Ralph, Samneric and Piggy decide to smarten up and go see if they could get Piggys glasses back. Ralph is starting to forget why they need smoke. After eating, they set off. -
The Fight at Castle Rock
Ralph and the others go to Castle Rock, where Ralph demands they give back Piggys specs. Jack fights Ralph and the hunters tie up Samneric. Piggy tries to talk sense into them, but Roger pusshes a large rock from above, which smashes Piggys head and the conch, sending him splattering onto the rocks below. Ralph runs into the forest and Samneric are forced to join jacks tride. -
Period: to
Chapter 11
Ralph in the Forest
Ralph watches the hunters feast from the cover of the forest. He tries to comprehend what just happened. He talks to Samneric at the top of the cliff at night and they tell him he is going to be hunted. -
Period: to
Chapter 12
The Officer
Ralph runs into an officer on the beach, who had seen their fire from his ship. They all become like children again. The officer tries to make sense of the situation, assuming it was a game. All the kids begin to sob as the weight of what happened sinks in. -
The Hunt
Ralph hides in a thicket, but Samneric give away his position. Jack pushes large rocks from the cliff towards him to squash him or make him come out. He runs but the hunters keep closing in. He finds a spot under a bush, and as the hunters draw near they burn the forest. Roger finds him, and he begins to run.