creaters of la times
nathan cole jr and thomas gardiner start the los angeles daily times which printed by the mirror printing office. -
la times business sets up
A business announcement in the newspaper states that, effective August 1, Colonel Harrison Gray Otis "will become a member of the firm, with editorial oversight of the Daily Times and Weekly Mirror." -
los angeles first true newspaper
<a href='http://http://www.latimes.com/about/mediagroup/la-mediacenter-milestones,0,1502162.story' there very first true daily was published on a monday -
Tragedy hits LA Times
Harrison Gray Otis dies. Harry Chandler, his son-in-law, becomes the second publisher of The Times. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T11516atJFw -
Becomes president of La times
Norman Chandler, Harry Chandler's son, becomes Times general manager. In February 1941, he adds the title of president. -
Its first award
May 1942 The Times wins its first Pulitzer Prize - a Gold Medal for Public Service - for "its successful first amendment rights campaign which resulted in the clarification and confirmation for all American newspapers of the right of free press as guaranteed under the Constitution." -
La times becomes popular
November 1947 The Times becomes the largest-circulation newspaper in Los Angeles. -
New contract
The Times and CBS unite in a television project which ultimately became the station KTTV (Times Television). Times Mirror, which acquires full ownership two years later, sells the station in January 1963. -
La times goes globe
The Los Angeles Times- Washington Post News Service begins serving more than 30 subscribers, including leading newspapers in the United States and Canada. -
La times goes viral
The Times launches latimes.com, its Southern California news and information service on the World Wide Web. Latimes.com evolved from the former TimesLink service on the Prodigy network. -
Re-launched life
The Times begins inserting the newly re-launched LIFE magazine in its Friday editions. http://www.latimes.com/about/mediagroup/la-mediacenter-milestones,0,1502162.story?page=5 -
first film festival
The Times becomes the title presenter of the Los Angeles Film Festival, which will be held June 22-July 2 in Westwood Village. The Times will be responsible for branding the event and all festival creative design, in addition to publishing a special June 18 festival program guide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEyBvvBWKAs