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Roger crashes on the Island. At this point he is innocent. -
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Time on the Island
Page 60
Roger appears unsocialble. This plays into what he turns into at the end of the book. -
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Time on the Island
Page 62
Roger threw rocks at Henry for no appearant reason. He is still held back by civilization. -
Page 63
Roger gets camoflauged by Jack. They are bonded. -
Page 131
Roger left Ralph and Piggy's group. This is important because he later tries to kill them. -
Page 131
Roger leaves group to join Jack. This proves that Jack swiched to the dark side. -
Page 135
Roger goes over the top killing the pig. This shows the agression that Roger pocesses. -
Page 141
Roger is not one of Jack's main savages (Assistants). It is said that Roger does his own thing. -
Page 159
Roger is saying that Jack is a perfect chief. This forshadows that Roger will switch sides. -
Page 180
Roger rolls the stone off the cliff to kill Roger. This shows his mysteriousness in an ultimate way. -
Page 175
Roger felt power when he threw rocks towards the twins. He feels even more power when he pushes the bolder onto Piggy to kill him. -
Page 181
Roger pushes the rocks off the cliff and it kills Piggy. This is the climax of what has become of Roger on the island. This shows the person Roger ended up as. He -
Page 190
"Roger sharpened the stick at both ends." This double headed spear that Roger made shows how disturbed Roger is and how he plans to kill Ralph. He is no longer held back by civilization. He is savage and crazy for power.