Chapter 1
Surviving the wild
3 events in Chapter 1
-plane crashes on a deserted island
-Ralph is elected leader over Jack
-Jack, Simon, and Ralph go to explore the island -
Chapter 2
Starting fire
3 events in chapter 2
-They build a fire at the top of the mountain to signal for help
-The little'uns see a "beastie" or snake
-Jack sees a piglet and has a chance to kill it but he hesitated and didn't -
Chapter 3
3 events
-Jack goes to hunt for the pigs
-Ralph and Simon build the huts
-Simon finds his own hideaway in the woods -
Chapter 4
Field dressing a wild hog
3 topics
-Jack and his hunters kill a pig
-Ralph sees a boat
-the hunters failed to keep the fire going and they missed an oppertunity for rescue -
Chapter 5
3 topics
-Have a meeting about the beast
-Parechuters from a plane fall into the water
-Samneric both felll asleep when they were supposed to keep watch. -
Chapter 7
3 topics
-The boys search for a beast and Ralph almost kills a pig.
-The pretended that Robert was a kill and started spearing him.
-Roger, Ralph, and Jack see the "Beast" -
Chapter 8
Cooking a Pig
3 toopics
-Jack tries to vote Raph off of leader
-Jack makes his own tribe
-Simon mets lord of the flies -
Chapter 6
Landing tips
3 Topics
-Found a castle where they believe the beast is
-Samneric lets the fire go when asleep
-find a dead parachutist -
Chapter 9
Tribal dances
3 topics
-Ralph's tribe goes to Jack's for a feast
-Simon finds the parachutest and finds that their is no beast
-Simon is killed by the boys -
Chapter 10
Teenage Depression
3 topics
-Jack beat up a littlun for to apparent reason
-Ralph is upset about the death of Simon
-Jack steals piggy's glasses -
Chapter 11
3 topics
-Piggy dies
-Samneric are taken to Jack's tribe
-The conch is broken -
Chapter 12
3 topics
-Ralph told by Samneric that Jack is sending the tribe for him
-jack starts the jungle on fire to try and get Ralph out
-The boys are saved by a naval officer