Chapter 1
How to Make the Ultimate Survival KitHere's some things from Chapter 1:
- A plane crashes and a group of boys are stranded.
- Ralph and Piggy find a conch.
- Ralph, Simon, and Jack explore the island. -
Chapter 2
How to Make a FireHere's some things from Chapter 2:
- A littlun says he sees a snake.
- They tried to make a signal fire.
- The signal fire gets out of control. -
Chapter 4
Here's what happened in Chapter 4:
-Ralph saw a ship on the horizon
- The signal fire died out
- Jack and the choir boys killed a pig -
Chapter 3
15 Ways to Build a ShelterHere's what happened in Chapter 3:
- Jack went hunting
- Jack & Ralph fought over whether shelter or hunting was more important
- Simon found a small secluded clearing -
Chapter 5
Establishing Ground RulesHere's what happens in Chapter 5:
-Ralph calls a meeting to discuss rules
- Percival says he knows where the beast lives
- Simon says the beast is them -
Chapter 6
Parachute Technique These things happened in Chapter 6;
-A pilot fell from the sky in a parachute
-Samneric thought it was the beast
-They ran and told the others -
Chapter 7
HuntingThis is what happened in Chapter 7:
-Boys go hunting
-Ralph hits the pig
-Simon goes back to tell Piggy the plan -
Chapter 9
CPRHere's what happened in Chapter 9:
-Simon finds the parachuter
-Jack tries to get Piggy and Ralph to join his group
-Simon dies -
Chapter 8
[How to Control Your Temper](http://<a href='http://http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=how%20to%20control%20your%20temper&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0CCwQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.mayoclinic.org%2Fhealthy-lifestyle%2Fadult-health%2Fin-depth%2Fanger-management%2Fart-20045434&ei=WshIVdfrIc6dygSemIDgBw&usg=AFQjCNFQadjIa61NTw3luc1bDLkzaFe0QQ&bvm=bv.92291466,d.cGU)' >How to Control Your Temper</a>Heres what happened in Chapter 8:
-Boys think theyve seen the Beast
-Ralph calls Jack;s hunters "boys with sticks"
- Simon speaks to the Lord of the Flies -
Chapter 10
How to Fix GlassesHere's what happened in Chapter 10:
-Ralph decided they left the feast early
- Wants to keep the fire going
- Piggy's glasses were stolen -
Chapter 11
How to Negotiate Here's what happened in CHapter 11:
- Jakc's tribe moved to Castle Rock
- The other boys try to negotiate
- Piggy dies -
Chapter 12
US NavyHere's what happened in CHapter 12:
- Ralph is by himself
- Samneric tell him to hide
- The Naval Officer saves the boys