A Group of british boys crash on an island
A group of british school boys crash on an island. They are still very civilized. And all there intentions are, are to stay safe and alive. They all wear there uniforms and all there clothes are on. “Their bodies, from throat to ankle, were hidden by black, which bore a long sliver cross on the left breast and each neck was finished off with a hambone frill.” “We ought to draw a map,” “We could make scratches on bark,”( pg. 27 ) -
First mentioning of the "beast"
The beast is first mentioned by the boy with the birthmark. The don’t believe him. He says that they are snakes. Some of the boys start to freak out and start to say they are gonna go hunt to it so it makes every body scared. They light an unnecessary fire and the fire gets out of control. They almost burned the whole island down. And they accidentally killed the boy with the birthmark. “Beneath the capering boys a quarter of a mile square of forest was savage with smoke and flame” ( pg. 44 ) -
Jacks obession of hunting
Jack becomes more wild and more savage. He kills the pig and gets obsessed with it and all he focuses on is trying to kill the pig instead of helping out Ralph and Simon. He is walking on his feet and hands. He also is just wearing shorts and a belt with knife. Less clothing means less civilized. “ If you’re hunting sometimes you catch yourself feeling as if-” ( pg. 53 ) -
Fire goes out
They make their shelter. The littleuns are scared of the beast and keep having nightmares about it. Jack and Ralph get into a huge argument because the hunters where out trying to hunt the beast, or kill a pig and a boat passed by but the fire was out, and it’s the hunters responsibility to keep the fire going. So they missed their chance of getting rescued“ I’m sorry. about the fire, I mean. There. I-“ “-I apologize” ( pg. 72 ) -
Loosing order of democracy
Ralph wants the group to have order but none of the boys listen and keep breaking the rules. So Ralph creates rules. Not to pee or poop near the fruit or shelter. Everything is starting to fall apart. And democracy on the island is starting to slowly fade away. The conch is supposed to represent government and order but when Jack and Ralph get into and argument Jack doesn’t listen and Ralph is afraid to blow the conch cause if he blows it and doesn’t come back order on the island will fall apart -
They find the beast
The twins are watching the fire in the night and they are on the mountain and they spot the beast from the air. They go and go wake up everyone and go tell Ralph so they try and go hunt for this already dead “beast” which is just a dead solider. Every one goes except for piggy who stays with the littleuns. “ We saw the beast-“ ( pg. 99 ) -
The hunters play a dangerous savage like game
The hunters play a game in which they put a person in the middle and pretend that that person is a pig. Robert is in the middle of this game and hes very scared and he thought he was going to die. this shows that the hunters are turning mad with the excitement of killing. "They got his arms and legs. Ralph, carried away by a sudden thick, excitement, grabbed Eric's spear and jabbed at Robert with it "Kill him! Kill Him!" (pg 114) -
Jack creates his own tribe
Jack finds the beast and he comes in and tells everybody it is on the mountain. And then he argues with Ralph that he is a coward. Jack gets really upset and tries to vote against Ralph being leader. Jack has a tantrum leaves and creates his own tribe which consist of the hunters. They start to create their own religion. And Jack and his tribe act completely uncivilized. “Hands up,” “ Whoever wants Ralph not to be chief?” -
Simon dies
Simon begins to feel really sick and wanders off into the jungle and he faints after talking to the lord of the flies. He finds out that the “beast” is just a dead soldier. Meanwhile jack and his tribe have a ceremony and play an unsafe game and pretend to kill a pig. And in the heat of the moment Simon runs in and gets killed by all the boys and the hunters. “- Simon’s dead body moved out toward the open sea.” ( pg. 154 ) -
The fire gets stolen .
Piggy thinks Simon isn’t actually dead. All the boys contributed a part of Simons death but the boys deny it and make themselves believe they didn’t do anything. Jack and his tribes comes at night and steals Piggys glasses and steal their fire and leave them with nothing. Piggys glasses break and they get beat up. “ From his left hand dangled Piggy’s broken glasses.” ( pg. 168 ) -
Piggy dies
Ralph and the rest of his group go back and try to compromise to get piggys specs back. Ralph tries to talk it out with Jack but JAck gets mad and starts to argue. Piggys stands up to Jack and Roger gets mad at throws a rock at Piggy and kills Piggy. " Piggy fell forty feet and landed on his head opened and stuff came out and tirned red. Piggy's arms and legs twitched a bit, like a pig's after it had been killed" (pg .181) -
They get rescued
Jack and his tribe plan to kill Ralph cause the see him as a problem. Ralph goes and hides and right when hes about to get killed. A military rank officer finds them and stops alll the chaos. There is a war on the island and there is a war in the world. The military man found them because they savages burned the island so they saw the smoke. "A naval officer stood on the sand, looking down at Ralph in wary astonishment." (pg. 200)