lord of the flies-chapters 1 & 2

  • raplh meets piggy

    raplh meets piggy
    got out of plane crash meet each started making plans
  • conch shell

    conch shell
    they find the conch shell and blow into it which signals the other boys. piggy gets them organized
  • expedition

    they dont know if its a island so they send raplh jack and simon. on an expedtion
  • law and order

    law and order
    they make new rules one is that if you talk you must hold the conch shell they also find out that there might be a beastie on the island
  • fire

    they want to start a signal fire but it get out of hand
  • deadly forest fire

    deadly forest fire
    their plan goes terribly wrong the fire gets out of hand and starts a forest fire the kid ho reportd the beastie dies in the carnage