Plane Crashes
First Conch Assembly
First Fire Is Made
Jack Makes First Kill
Fire goes out as plane goes by. -
Parachute Floats Down to Island
Jack Creates His Own Tribe
Ralph and Jack argue over hunting, the fire, and the position of chief. -
Simon Encounters Pig Head on Mountain
Jack's Feast at Castle Rock
Simon is killed by the boys, who mistake him for the beast. -
Jack's Tribe Attacks Ralph, Piggy, & Samneric in the Night
The Boys Travel to Castle Rock to Negotiate with Jack
Jack and Ralph immediately get into a fight. In the midst of the battle, Piggy is killed. -
Ralph Talks to Samneric While in Hiding
Samneric will eventually betray him by giving up his hiding spot to Jack. -
Jack's Tribe Hunts Down Ralph
Ralph Leads the Tribe to the Beach, Where They Are Rescued