Lord of the flies by William Golding

  • Period: to

    The Plane crashes

    After the plane crashes the boys are stranded on a island. On this island its only them and their are no adults or parents
  • Raul and Piggy make a pack

    After the plane crashes the older boys named Raul and piggy decide that they need to figure out a way to live with out any help from a mom or dad or adult. They come up with a pack to all come together to make sure everyone is being helped even the little kids.
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    Signal Fire

    After Ralph and piggy come together, Ralph decides that they should make a plan for somewhere for everyone to meet and come back together so they can figure out what to do. They decide to make a giant fire.
  • The hunters start to hunt

    The hunters paint their face to become real hunters but it scares some of the boys into thinking they might do worse. But the other boys are not worried at all about anything else but getting rescued
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    Catching food

    Once all the boys come together they split into groups of tasks to make things more efficient. Jacks group is the group assigned to finding and harvesting food. The first kill didn't go well and the animal ended up not getting cough. Some people thought that most important thing was to be found the fire so they made a fire while others thought eating was the most important
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    The beast

    The little boys are conviced their is as beast in the water, the older boys assure them that they are making everything until one day a dead man comes up to them. After this happens they get super scared and believe their really might be a monster in the water. The beast is still out their and the boys are not safe anymore so they try and think of something they can do to save themselves.
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    Hunting the beast

    The boys are still not safe and try and hunt the beast that killed the dead guy that they saw, they are all terrified but non the less they try to find it and hunt it and kill it.
  • Killing the beast

    After they killed the beast everyone is exited to much it. They start playing games and acting out killing the pig and munching it
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    They keep doing what they are doing

    Most of the boys have lost hope that they will ever even be found and some haven't lost hope yet
  • The boys all split up

    After a little bit of arguing and stuff jack decides that he doesn't want to be with all the boys anymore especially ralph so he gets everyone goes with him but Sam and Eric, Ralph, Piggy and Simon. The rest of the boys that go with him make a new tribe where they plan to not be saved and just hunt.
  • New Tribe starts new tradtions

    The new tribe starts a new thing where when they kill the pig or beast they throw a party like thingy and use the pig as a offering to the best island that they are living on.
  • Ralph and Piggy go up to the place where the rest on the boys are

    Ralph and piggy need food and so they have to go find some at castle rock where all the other boys are and when they do that they walk into one of these party's and get scared seeing the pig laying their dead.a
  • The end!

    Sense Ralph got saved the rest of the boys were saved after the man found him due to the burning in the fire and all the boys were saved
  • Ruining the island

    The hunters wanted to find Ralph but had no luck so they decide to smoke him out. Doing this thought they would have nothing to eat because the vegetation would be burnt down.
  • Raulph gets rescues

    Ralph runs into a big opening where he gets rescued and is glad and relived to be away from the hunters.
  • The big fight

    Jack decided to start a fire on castle rock, he has no way of starting it however. They try and get piggy glasses and so everyone starts beating each other up and then piggy now cant see because they snatched his glasses
  • Piggy dies

    Piggy come to confront them and get his glasses back, when he does however he gets a heavy rock pushed on to him and it kills him as he is falling down the side of a mountain.