Lord of the flies

  • Plane crashes on island

    Plane crashes on island
    During this time WWl is going on and a bomb has been dropped so their planes crashes.
  • Period: to

    Becoming savage

  • Coming together

    Coming together
    The boys found a conch and decide to make this a way to call meetings.
  • Boys form a group

    Boys form a group
    Now the boys are stuck on this island and they have to form different types of groups.
  • Starting the fire

    Starting the fire
    Ralph decides to make a fire to signal one of the boat to come rescue them.
  • Painted their faces

    Painted their faces
    The hunter group decide to paint on their faces to show that they are hunting for a pig.
  • Finally made their first kill

    Finally made their first kill
    When Jack and the hunters went hunting they got there first pig.
  • The fire goes out

    The fire goes out
    While the boys were hunting their fire goes out.
  • The prophet

    The prophet
    When Ralph is doubting that if they will get off the island, Simon comes over and says that they will get of the island but not Simon.
  • Hunting for the beast

    Hunting for the beast
    The older boys go hunting for the pig.
  • Fighting: for real or play

    Fighting: for real or play
    After the boys catch the pig they are so excited and start to play fight. However this turned to something else.
  • Leaving the old tribe and starting new

    Leaving the old tribe and starting new
    Jack is fed up with Ralph and decides to leave the group and start a new group.
  • The pig speaks

    The pig speaks
    When the pigs head is on the steak Simon has a seizure.
  • The fear consumes

    The fear consumes
    Ralph and Piggy went up to the castle rock. Then they stared to worship the beast.
  • The end of Simon

    The end of Simon
    When the boys have a disagreement Simon joins in, and mess up. So the boys chase him and beat him to death.
  • Getting beaten

    Getting beaten
    When Jack tries and start another fire he goes down the hill with Ralph and Piggy. So he decides to beat them and steal piggy's glasses.
  • Stolen specs

    Stolen specs
    Jack and his hunters come up to Piggy and steal his glasses.
  • The end of Piggy

    The end of Piggy
    When Piggy confront Jack for stealing his glasses, Roger pushes Piggy off the cliff and piggy hits his head and dies.
  • Burning down the island

    Burning down the island
    The boys decide to set the island on fire to let someone know to come rescue them.
  • The rescue

    The rescue
    When Ralph came into the open island and officer greets him, and they rescue them.
  • Hunting takes a new turn

    Hunting takes a new turn
    The boys take there minds off of hunting pigs, and decide to hunt Ralph.