Chapter 1
How to survive on an island- After a nuclear war, a group of boys who should have been evacuated, land on an unfamiliar island
- Ralph and Piggy find a shell, which they use to call the boys together (signal of power)
- Ralph gets elected as a chief in the election against Jack
Chapter 2
[How to build a signal fire](http://http://survival.about.com/od/6/a/How-To-Make-A-Smoke-Signal-Rescue-Fire.htm)- The boys around Jack decide to be the hunters
- The fear of a beast comes up for the first time
- After Ralph brings up the idea they are building a signal fire to get rescued
Chapter 3
Strategies of pig hunting- Ralph and Simon are the only ones who are building the shelters, while the other boys play on the beach- Jack and the hunters weren't able to hunt a pig
- Simon finds a beautiful, secret place in the jungle
Chapter 4
How to keep a fire burning- Roger and Maurice destroy sandcastles of the littluns- Ralph sees a ship, but they recognize that the signal fire went out
- Jack and the hunters bring a dead pig with them from the hunt but the relationship between Jack and Ralph stays tense because of the signal fire
Chapter 5
Fear of the beast- Ralph calls for a meeting to remind everyone to the rules and duties- The fear of a beast comes up but Simon can first eliminate it by explaining it was only him going to his secrete place
- Jack on the other hand claims that there is a beast and says that the hunters will kill it
Chapter 6
Airplane Battles- Military airplanes are fighting a battle above the island in the night- A dead parachutist drifts down from the sky to the island, and Sam and Eric see his fluttering parachute as a beast in the dark
- When they tell the group Ralph calls a meeting and they decide to explore the island. On thart trip they find their castle and Ralph has to force them to go back.
Chapter 7
- Simon says to Ralph that he will make it back home
- Ralph is joining a pig hunt with Jack and enjoys it. When they were not able to find a pig, they started to hunt another boy, who was playing the pig.
- When they climb the mountain, they see the parachute in the dark and think its a beast. They run horrified back to the group.
Chapter 8
Hallucinations- Jack tells everybody that there is a beast and tries to remove Ralph from the leadership role- After that fails Jack runs off and tells everybody that they can join him
- After that most of the boys join Jack's new tribe, Ralph and Piggy build a new signal fire and Simon meets the lord of the flies in his hallucinations
Chapter 9
Parachute- Simon wakes up and recognizes that they have mistakenly thought that a parachute would be a beast and he runs down to the beach to tells everybody- Jack is holding a feast at the beach and Ralph and Piggy joined him to keep control over the events
- When Simon runs down to the beac they think he is the beast and kill him
Chapter 10
How to make fire with glasses- The next morning Ralph feels guilty for Simons death but Piggy says that they couldn't do anything- Jack rules at castle rock like a dictator and says that Ralph's group are dangerous for the tribe
- In the night the hunters steal Piggy's glasses to male fire
Chapter 11
First Aid- Ralph and the small rest of his group go to castle rock to get Piggy's glasses back and they bring the conch- Ralph and Jack fight and Jack's hunters tie Sam and Eric up
- Ralph and Jack fight for the second time and Roger kills Piggy and the conch, by throwing a rock at him. Ralph has to escape
Chapter 12
- Ralph is hiding in the jungle
- The hunters find him and set the jungle on fire
- Ralph can escape and runs into a naval officer