Looking for Alaska Timeline

By mashac
  • 136 days before

    136 days before
    Miles Cavalry is leaving his Florida life to Culiver Creek in search of "The Great Perhaps" and is thrown a going away party by his mother, to which no one shows up.
  • 128 days before

    128 days before
    Miles meets his roomate "The Colonel" and falls in love with a girl named Alaska who sells them cigarettes. Miles rebels from his parents by smoking his first cigarette.
  • 127 days before

    127 days before
    Miles is kidnapped, duct taped, and thrown into the lake by the Weekday Warriors for associating with the "Colonel", who apparently ratted out one of their friends and made them get expelled. After he narrowly escapes, he tells Alaska who laughs at him instead of giving him the sympathy he expected from her.
  • 126 days before

    126 days before
    The Colonel wages a war against the Weekday Warriors and Alaska apologizes to Miles for being so inconsiderate. The Weekday Warriors pee in The Colonel's shoes.
  • 110 days before

    110 days before
    Miles gets kicked out for not paying attention to Mr.Hyde in religions class. Alaska stands up for him and gets kicked out too, so they leave together.
  • 100 days before

    100 days before
    Alaska explains how her parents let her choose her name and why she chose Alaska to Miles
  • 99 days before

    99 days before
    Pudge, Alaska, the Colonel, and Takumi are caught smoking by the Eagle when returning back to campus. He says they smell like a "burning tobacco field in North Carolina"
  • 98 days before

    98 days before
    The Eagle sentences them to jury. Pudge and Takumi are let loose while Alaska and the Colonel are put on a final warning and given dish duty.
  • 89 days before

    89 days before
    Alaska finds Pudge a girlfriend (Lara) and sets them up on a triple and a half date. While they are all at a basketball game, Pudge gets hit in the head and gets a concussion. He throws up on Lara, and they end up spending their date at the hospital.
  • 76 days before

    76 days before
    The Weekday Warriors flood Alaska's room and ruin her books by diverting the rain from the gutters into her room.
  • 67 days before

    67 days before
    Takumi tells Miles about how Alaska ratted about one of the Weekday Warriors and how eventually he may need to participate in a big fight and he should know what he's getting into.
  • 48 days before

    48 days before
    Alaska convinces Miles to stay for Thanksgiving with her at Culiver Creek.
  • 52 days before

    52 days before
    Miles starts drinking.
  • 51 days before

    51 days before
    Pudge and Alaska think of ways to prank the Weekday Warriors while they're gone.
  • 49 days before

    49 days before
    Pudge and Alaska go looking for Porn in other people's rooms and end up finding some. They find a video and watch it together.
  • 47 days before

    47 days before
    The colonel has Alaska and Miles for thanksgiving at his trailer.
  • 44 days before

    44 days before
    Alaska and Pudge go to a store to buy Liquor and Cigarettes. Alaska feels like she can't be trusted and that "she ruins everything" after she confesses to the Colonel that she ratted on one of the Weekday Warriors to avoid going home.
  • Christmas

    Pudge goes home to his family for Christmas where he spends most of his time studying.
  • 3 days before

    Alaska, Pudge, Takumi, The Colonel and Lara set off firecrackers in the forest to distract the Eagle and commence the excecution of their pranks. They put blue hair dye in the Weekday Warriors gel, and hack the school computers to send fake report cards to their parents.
  • 2 days before

    Alaska, Pudge, Takumi, The Colonel and Lara all camp out in the forest after the prank. While playing a drinking game, Alaska tells them how her mom died from an aneurism and Pudge and Lara kiss and become girlfriend boyfriend.
  • 1 day before

    Pudge and Lara have sex
  • The day

    Alaska and Pudge drunkenly make out, but she says she is too sleepy to continue. She then says she suddenly needs to leave and gets them to set off fire crackers to distract the Eagle.
  • 1 day after

    The Eagle annouces to the school that Alaska was killed in a car accident.
  • 2 days after

    Miles has a nightmare about Alaska dying.
  • 6 days after

    Miles and Pudge attend Alaska's funeral, to which only three people come. They meet Alaska's dad.
  • 7 days after

    Pudge and the Colonel go into Alaska's room to look for things her aunt wouldn't want to find. Pudge finds the labyrinth book, and sees that Alaska recently wrote about getting out of the Labyrinth of suffering "straight and fast", which leads them to believe that it was a suicide.
  • 9 days after

    Pudge and the Colonel think about talking to Jake or testing Alaska's alcohol levels to figure out the circumstances of her death.
  • 13 days after

    Miles and the Colonel go the police station and question the cop whose car hit Alaska.The cop says that there were white flowers in the back seat.
  • 27 days after

    The Colonel and Pudge steal the Eagle's breathalyzer and get the Colonel to the same level of drunkness as Alaska. They get busted by the Eagle and Pudge gets jury.
  • 29 days after

    They go talk to Jake and get closer to finding out why she did it.
  • 62 days after

    They discover a doodled white flower that Alaska drew.
  • 69 days after

    The Colonel plans a memorial for Alaska.
  • 83 days after

    The Colonel thoroughly plans through the prank and assembles Pudge and Takumi to hire a male stripper.
  • 102 days after

    For speech day, they invite the male stripper to pose as a professor and prank the school in memory of Alaska.
  • 114 days after

    They figure out that Alaska left because she was going to see her mother's grave on her anniversary that she missed.
  • 136 days after

    Takumi leaves a note for Miles explaining how he knew all along why she left, saying that he was mad at Miles and The Colonel for leaving him out of everything. Miles learns a lesson in forgiveness and gets over his grief.