136 Days Before
Miles Leaves his home to go to Culver Creek boarding school. -
128 Days Before
Miles meets Chip/ Colonel and Alaska -
126 Days Before
The Weekday Warriors Tape up Miles and throw him into the lake introducing him to the prank war/rivalry between the Weekday Warriors and the non-weekday warriors. (this starts a 'war') -
110 Days Before
Alaska gets kicked out of class for defending Miles/Pudge -
101 Days Before
Pudge meets Lara at pre-calc study session -
76 Days Before
The Weekday Warriors flooded Alaska's room -
67 Days Before
Alaska tell Pudge about he ratting on Marya showing us that she trusts him. -
52 Days Before
Pudge and Alaska spend thanksgiving together and grow closer as friends -
3 Days Before (Barn Night)
First big prank of the book. During the 'after party' Alaska opened up about what happened to her mom during a drinking game -
2 Days Before
Lara and Pudge start dating -
The Last Day
Pudge and Alaska kissed and she came in their room drunk and upset and told Pudge and the Colonel to make a distraction so she could get off of campus -
The Day After
They find out that Alaska was killed in a car accident ( Pudge and the Colonel blame themselves and shut everyone else out of their lives). Pudge and Colonel start their search to figure out what happened -
6 Days After
Alaska's funeral -
7 Days After
They find the note in Alaska's book 'straight and fast' (the only way out of the labyrinth) -
13 Days After
They find out Alaska crashed her car straight and fast -
20 Days After
Pudge and the Colonel get into a fight about whether or not to call Jake to see if he would know anything -
29 Days After
Chip and Miles tell Takumi everything that happened that night -
46 Days After
Miles and Lara make amends -
62 Days After
Miles finds the daisy Alaska drew that night. -
102 Days After
The Alaska memorial prank -
114 Days After
they figure out that Alaska was going to to her moms grave and she was so upset because she forgot. -
Days After
Chip and Miles drive through the spot Alaska crashed at and survived -
136 Days After
They leave the school and finally are at peace with Alaska's death as much as they can be