Looking For Alaska

  • 136 days before

    After having a going away party where only 2 people show up, Miles tells his parents that he is going to a different school to find his Great Perhaps.
  • 128 days before

    Miles moves from Florida to Alabama, and unpacks his stuff at his new school, Culver Creek Preparatory School. He meets his room mate Chip Martin, who is known as the Colonel. The Colonel gives Miles the nickname of Pudge. They go find Alaska, where Miles meets her for the first time and is stunned by her. Alaska tells Miles about the labyrinth, and how she's trying to figure out how to get out of it.
  • 127 days before

    Miles meets the Dean of Culver Creek, also known as the Eagle. At lunch, he meets Takumi, who is friends with Alaska and the Colonel. Late that night, Miles is woken up by 3 guys, who duct tape his arms, legs and mouth, then throw him in the lake. He gets out and goes back to his room, where he tells the Colonel what happened. The Colonel tells him they'll do something to the guys for taping him before throwing him into the lake.
  • 126 days before

    The Colonel declares war on the 3 guys after he finds pee in his shoes. Miles goes to his first day of classes, where he meets his World Religions teacher Dr. Hyde, who makes Miles take religion seriously. Later when Miles falls asleep, Alaska wakes him up, then lectures him, making him decide he doesn't need to like a girl who acts like his mom.
  • 122 days before

    Miles meets Sara, the Colonel's girlfriend, who comes over to go out on a date with the Colonel, but she ends up leaving. Later, she calls the Colonel, but they yell at each other, then hang up. Sara thinks the Colonel ratted on 2 kids last year, and at Culver Creek, ratting is the worst thing to do.
  • 110 days before

    Dr. Hyde catches Miles looking out the window during class and kicks him out of class. Alaska walks out of class with him. Afterwards, Miles, Alaska, Takumi and the Colonel go to the Smoking Hole. When Miles asks Alaska why she smokes so fast, she tells him that while he smokes to enjoy it, she smokes to die.
  • 109 days before

    Miles goes with the Colonel to the first basketball game of the season. Kevin, one of the 3 guys who threw Miles in the lake, tries to make a truce, but the Colonel refuses. Later, the Colonel gets kicked out of the game. Miles decides that he's happy being the tail of the Colonel's comet.
  • 108 days before

    Dr. Hyde keeps Miles after class, and tells him to pay attention in his religion class.
  • 101 days before

    Miles, Alaska, the Colonel and a few other kids drive to McDonalds at lunch to study for precalc. A girl named Lara sits on Miles' lap on the way there. While studying, Alaska argues with another kid that while she may die young from smoking cigarettes, at least she'll be smart.
  • 100 days before

    Miles asks Alaska why her name is Alaska. She tells him her parents let her pick her name on her 7th birthday, and after looking at her dad's globe, she chose Alaska. Miles leans in to kiss her, but she stops him and starts talking about the labyrinth. Miles tells her he doesn't get her, and she tells him that's the whole point.
  • 99 days before

    Alaska, Miles, Takumi and the Colonel all go down to the lake to smoke, and the Eagle finds them. He tells them he'll see them all in jury the next day.
  • 98 days before

    Before going into jury, Miles and Alaska wait for Takumi and the Colonel, who show up in ties. The Colonel tells the jury what happened, saying that him and Alaska were smoking, and Takumi and Miles didn't do anything wrong. Alaska and the Colonel get 10 work hours, while Miles and Takumi just get a warning.
  • 89 days before

    Alaska tells Miles they found him a girlfriend, the girl named Lara who sat on his lap on the way to McDonalds. She put together a triple date, and tells Miles he won't be able to screw it up.
  • 87 days before

    Miles, Alaska and the Colonel take their dates to a basketball game, where Miles meets Jake, Alaska's boyfriend. During the game, the Colonel yells at a guy on the other team, who gets mad and throws the ball at Miles' head. He gets a concussion, and throws up on Lara. After being put in his room, Miles sleeps a lot and when he wakes up, he finds out that the Colonel has broken up with his girlfriend.
  • 84 days before

    Miles finds Alaska in the cafeteria, and when he asks if she's okay, she starts to leave. Miles tries to talk to her, but by the way Alaska talks to him, she makes it seem like Miles wouldn't be able to understand her problems.
  • 76 days before

    The Colonel tells Miles that he's had an epiphany about his girlfriend that she wasn't good for him. In World Religions, Dr. Hyde hands out the question to the final paper. Miles and the Colonel are discussing their answers when Alaska runs up to them and tells them her room was flooded. They decide that the culprits need to be punished.
  • 67 days before

    Miles and Takumi go to the Smoking Hole, where Takumi tells Miles that Alaska was the one who ratted on the 2 kids last year, getting them expelled. Miles is stunned. Takumi tells Miles that he's letting Miles know this so he knows what he's getting into for the prank they're starting to plan. Miles understands that Alaska took blame at jury so that she could prove she's loyal to her friends.
  • 58 days before

    When Miles wakes up, Alaska is in his room, and she tells him she heard Takumi told him that she ratted on the 2 kids last year. She convinces Miles to stay at the school for Thanksgiving and he calls his parents to check if it's okay. Miles asks Alaska why she doesn't go home for Thanksgiving, and she says her home is full of ghosts.
  • 52 days before

    Everyone leaves campus, and soon it's just Miles and Alaska. They drink wine and talk about the labyrinth. Alaska decides the labyrinth is not about life and death, but about suffering.
  • 51 days before

    Alaska wakes Miles up early, telling him it's time to party. They go snooping through Kevin's room. In it, they find lots of hair products. After climbing out the window, Alaska asks Miles how they would get industrial-strength blue dye.
  • 49 days before

    Miles and Alaska go snooping through people's rooms to find porn. Eventually, they find a movie and start watching it, but Alaska gets mad that the woman is being treated as an object. She stops the tape and starts sleeping. Miles wants to lay down with her. Instead, he goes back to his bed, thinking that if people were rain, he was drizzle and she was a hurricane.
  • 47 days before

    Miles and Alaska go to McDonalds for lunch, and when they get back to the school, the Colonel is waiting for them to take them to his house for Thanksgiving. At the Colonel's house while eating, Miles decides the Colonel's mom is the best cook he's ever met.
  • 46 days before

    Miles has the best Thanksgiving food he's ever had. Everyone lists their gratitudes after supper instead of before, like Miles is used to. On the way back to the school, Miles falls asleep thinking of school as his home.
  • 44 days before

    Alaska tells Miles a knock knock joke that her mom told her when she was 6 that she still finds funny. Later that day, Alaska shows up at Miles' room crying. She told the Colonel that she was the one who ratted on the 2 kids last year, and now the Colonel thinks he can't trust Alaska.
  • Christmas

    Everyone goes home for the break, including Alaska. At home, Miles' parents get upset that he's not staying for very long. When he leaves, they cry and tell him they love him and are proud of him. Miles is glad he has a family who loves him and supports him.
  • 8 days before

    Alaska walks into Miles' room and tells Miles and the Colonel that they should pull a pre-prank. They decide to do it on the weekend, and that Miles, Alaska, Takumi, the Colonel and Lara will be involved.
  • 4 days before

    The only thing the Colonel will tell Miles about the pre-prank is that it's called Barn Night. While waiting, Miles works on his religion paper, talking about how people believe in heaven and hell because then there's an afterlife for the people who die.
  • 3 days before

    The Colonel tells the Eagle that he's taking Miles and Takumi home for the weekend, Alaska tells the Eagle she's going to Jake's, and Lara tells the Eagle she's going home. After dark, they pull off their pre-prank. Miles and Takumi distract the Eagle, while the Colonel and Alaska send false report cards to Kevin and a few other people, and Lara puts blue dye in Kevin and his friends hair gel and conditioner. They drink wine, then fall asleep.
  • 2 days before

    When they wake up the next morning, they have a rapping contest, then play Best Day/Worst Day. The Colonel wins the best day with his story of his future when he's going to buy his mom a big house, and Alaska wins the worst day with her story of her mom dying. Later that night while laying in their sleeping bags, Miles and Lara make out, then decide to date each other.
  • 1 day before

    Miles and the Colonel check in with the Eagle and go back to their rooms. Tired and hungover, Miles sleeps through most of the day.
  • the last day

    Kevin comes into Miles' and the Colonel's room with short blue hair. Later, Miles and Lara make out, then Lara tries to give Miles a blow job, but they have to ask Alaska to figure out what to do. Later that night, Miles plays Truth or Dare with Alaska, where she dares him to hook up with her. After making out with her, they both fall asleep. Miles and the Colonel wake up when Alaska slams the door, screaming that she has to get out. They distract the Eagle so Alaska can leave.
  • the day after

    The Eagle wakes Miles and the Colonel up, telling them something bad has happened and that they need to go to the gym. They think Dr. Hyde has died until the Eagle tells them Alaska was the one killed. Miles can't believe it, and thinks Alaska is playing a trick on them, but the Eagle tells him he saw her after the car accident.
  • 2 days after

    Miles calls his parents to tell them his friend died. His parents ask him if he wants to come home, but Miles tells them he needs to stay at the school. Later when Miles is talking to the Colonel, the Colonel says he's going for a walk and leaves. Lara comes by, but Miles doesn't want to talk to her.
  • 4 days after

    At five in the morning, the Colonel comes back. He tells Miles he walked 84 miles in 45 hours because he was tired of thinking about Alaska's different moods.
  • 6 days after

    Miles, Lara, Takumi and the Colonel all drive down to Vine Station for Alaska's funeral. Miles meets Alaska's dad, who tells him that she's not here with them anymore, but with the Lord.
  • 7 days after

    Miles and the Colonel go to Alaska's room to find anything her aunt wouldn't want to find. While looking at her book The General In His Labyrinth, Miles finds a note she wrote. It says "Straight and fast". Miles and the Colonel start trying to figure out what her note means.
  • 8 days after

    School start up again. In World Religions, Dr. Hyde writes Alaska's question from her final paper on the board: how will we ever get out of this labyrinth of suffering?
  • 9 days after

    The Colonel comes up with a theory about Alaska's death, and what caused it.
  • 13 days after

    Miles and the Colonel walk to the police department in Vine Station to ask about Alaska's death. They find out that Alaska's death didn't seem like an accident, and she had the flowers she got from Jake in the car with her.
  • 14 days after

    Miles and the Colonel look at warning signs for suicide, finding out that Alaska displayed 2 of the warning signs. But after thinking about it more, they realize that Alaska couldn't have committed suicide.
  • 20 days after

    The Colonel tells Miles he's going to call Jake the next day, but Miles doesn't think he should. Soon, Miles and the Colonel start to fight. Miles runs away to the Smoking Hole, where after sitting by himself for a while, he goes back to his room and apologizes to the Colonel.
  • 21 days after

    Miles goes to McDonalds with Takumi for lunch. At McDonalds, after asking each other if they're okay, Takumi asks Miles if he's still going out with Lara, since she was wondering. Miles said he can't because it's too hard.
  • 27 days after

    After Miles and the Colonel get alcohol from Takumi, they go to the Eagle's house to steal his breathalyzer. Later, the Colonel tries to get as drunk as Alaska was when she left the campus the night of her accident. After a close call with the Eagle, the Colonel is as drunk as Alaska was, but they find out that she would have been able to swerve out of the way of the car.
  • 28 days after

    Miles and the Colonel tell Takumi about the night Alaska died.They decide to figure out why she left, and what caused her not to swerve out of the way of the car.
  • 29 days after

    Miles finds the Colonel on the phone, and Takumi tells him he's been on it for at least 20 minutes. They go into Miles' room, where Miles tells Takumi that he kissed Alaska. The Colonel comes in and tells them what Jake told him when the Colonel was talking to him. They try to figure out the mystery of Alaska's death without success.
  • 37 days after

    Miles runs into Lara, and he realizes it's been a month since he talked to her.
  • 46 days after

    Takumi tells Miles he needs to talk to Lara. He goes to her room and apologizes to her. Miles, Lara, Takumi and the Colonel all go to the Smoking Hole. Once again, they try to make sense of Alaska's death, but they don't figure out anything new.
  • 62 days after

    Miles calls his parents again, and while listening to his mom, he sees a drawing of a flower. Knowing it has something to do with Alaska, he gets the Colonel to come over, but they don't know what the flower symbolizes.
  • 69 days after

    Miles and the Colonel decide they're going to pull a prank Alaska came up with, in honor of her.
  • 84 days after

    Miles calls his dad to ask him to help him with the prank. The Eagle calls his dad, who is pretending to be a psychology professor who is an expert in adolescent understandings of sexuality.
  • 102 days after

    The Colonel gets a male stripper to play the psychology professor. They give the stripper a speech to read, and halfway through his speech, Lara tells him to take his clothes off. He complies, and starts dancing to music Takumi plays. The Eagle tells him to leave, and he does. Later, the Eagle comes to Miles' and the Colonel's room. He tells Miles and the Colonel he knows it was them, but it seemed like Alaska was there the whole time during the prank.
  • 114 days after

    Takumi, Miles and the Colonel realize that Alaska would have been talking to Jake on the phone and doodling, when she realized she had forgotten about the anniversary of her mother's death. She grabbed flowers to take to her mom's grave, but realized she was too late anyways, so she ran into the car.
  • 118 days after

    The Colonel decides he wants to drive through the place where Alaska hit the car, and think about what she went through. After making it through the spot that Alaska never did, the Colonel pulls over. While switching places in the car, Miles and the Colonel hug each other and cry.
  • 122 days after

    Dr. Hyde hands out the question for the final exam: how will you get out of this labyrinth of suffering? When Miles and the Colonel are talking about it later, the Colonel says he feels like the only way out of the labyrinth is to go straight and fast.
  • 136 days after

    Miles finds a note from Takumi on the floor of his room. In the note, Takumi tells him and the Colonel that he saw Alaska the night she died. She was looking for flowers, and Takumi helped her because he didn't think she would go driving while she was that drunk. Miles goes to look for Takumi, but he's already gone. Miles goes back to his room, and writes his way out of the labyrinth for his final exam.