136 Days Before
Miles arrives at Culver Creek -
Period: to
Looking For Alaska
128 Days Before
Miles arrives in Flordia and is introduced to Chip and Alaska, he also begins smoking -
127 Days Before
Miles learns that Alaska's roomate was expelled and later that night he gets duct taped and thrown into the lake, he survives -
126 Days Before
Miles begins his classes, in Pre-Calc Miles points out the kids who tried to kill him -
122 Days Before
Miles is introduced to Sara and he learns that the reason he was almost killed is because they think that Chip ratted out Alaska's roomate -
110 Days Before
Miles and Alaska get kicked out of religions class -
109 Days Before
Miles and Chip go to the first Culver Creek Basketball game, they get kicked out -
108 Days Before
Dr Hyde tells Miles to always be present -
101 Days Before
Miles, Alaska and a few others go to McDonalds to study, and Miles meets Lara -
100 Daya Before
Miles learns why Alaska is named Alaska -
99 Days Before
Miles, Chip, Takumi & Alaska get caught smoking -
98 Days Before
Miles, Chip, Alaska & Takumi are sent to the jury, Chip and Alaska take all the blame -
89 Days Before
Alaska finds Miles a girlfreind -
87 Days Before
The gang goes to a Culver Creek Basketball Game, Miles gets a concusuion -
84 Days Before
Miles meets Alaska in the cafeteria, Alaska is on edge -
76 Days Before
Miles gets his religion exam, Alaska has her room flooded by the Weekday Warriors -
67 Days Before
Miles learns from Takumi that Alaska ratted out Maria -
58 Days Before
Miles agrees to stay at Culver Creek with Alaska for Thanksgiving -
52 Days Before
Miles and Alaska drink wine in the yard -
51 Days Before
Miles and Alaska play a prank on the Weekday Warriors -
49 Days Before
Miles and Alaska watch porn together -
47 Days Before
Chip invites Miles and Alaska to Thanksgiving dinner, Miles and Alaska sleep together -
46 Days Before
Chip's mom cooks Thanksgiving dinner -
Miles returns home for Christmas -
8 Days Before
Alaska returns and her and Chip plan a pre-prank -
4 Days Before
Miles packs for Barn Night -
3 Days Before
Milles, Chip, Alaska, Takumi and Lara arrive at the barn and do the prank -
2 Days Before
In the Barn Alaska tells the others about her mom's death, and later that night Lara says that she will be Miles' girlfreind -
The Last Day
Alaska leaves -
The Day After
Miles and Chip learn that Alaska passes away the day before -
2 Days After
Miles calls his mom to tell them that Alaska died and that night he has a dream that Alaska died in front of him -
4 Days After
The Colonel returns after walking for 45 ours -
6 Days After
The entire school attends Alaska's funeral -
7 Days After
Miles and Chip clean out Alaska's room and find a note in her book, Chip and Miles decided that it had nothing to do with Alaska's death -
8 Days After
Miles learns that Alaska's question on her final was "How do we get out of this laberynth of suffering" -
9 Days After
Chip theorizes that Alaska left because she had to visit Jake -
13 Days After
Miles and Chip look up warning signs for suicide, and deduced that Alaska didn't commit suicide -
20 Days After
Miles and Chip argue, then decide to push back calling Jake -
21 Days After
Miles and Takumi meet at McDonalds for lunch -
27 Days After
Miles and Chip steal the Eagle's breathliser and test how drunk Alaska was the day she died -
28 Days After
Chip tells Takumi everything about the night, and they decide to call Jake -
37 Days After
Miles runs into Lara in the hall -
45 Days After
Miles, Chip and Takumi purchase cigarettes -
46 Days After
Miles and Lara reunite and they go to the lake with Chip and Takumi, they throw a cigarette in a lake -
51 Days After
The investigation stalls because Miles has to work on his religion paper. -
52 Days After
Miles calls his parents, and during the phone call he relies that Alaska was doodling a flower during her phone call with Jake -
69 Days After
Chip comes up with the idea of an Alaska Young Memorial Prank -
83 Days After
Chip lays out the plan for the prank -
84 Days Later
Miles convinces his dad to play Dr. William Marse on the phone (first stage of the prank) -
102 Days Later
The prank is pulled on Speaker Day, and the Eagle knows it was them, but he says that it was like Alaska did it so they don't get in trouble -
114 Days After
Chip and Miles relies that Alaska died on the anniversary of her mom's death -
118 Days After
Miles and Chip drive through the place that Alaska died -
122 Days After
Miles receives his religion final, it is to use the knowledge gained to answer Alaska's question -
136 Days Later
Takumi leaves a note saying that he knew why Alaska left