Looking back at my preliminary task:

  • Getting into groups:

    Getting into groups:
    On this day we got put into groups and were given a list of camera angles and techniques to include this was so we could get used to using a camera before we actually started our main project. We first drew a map of the corridor we would be using and where we could place the camera to do the different angles. I was the actor and then we had Beth as the director telling me what to do and then Hannah was the camera person. We all degust who would be the best in each role together.
  • Thriller research:

    Thriller research:
    In this we looked each looked at 2 different thrillers opening title sequences and analysed then on things like mis-en-scene and camera angles. I looked at Silence of the lambs and American Psycho I chose these because I thought they were very interesting films and very well-known thrillers to look at. They both have very good main characters to analyse and they have very good camera shots to look at that contribute to the narrative or character in the film.
  • A filming and editing continuity exercise:

    A filming and editing continuity exercise:
    ο‚— On this day we actually filmed the continuity exercise that we planned to do. It was an introduction to the concepts of filming and practical application of continuity filming and editing. We had to keep to the 180o rule, show match on action and do the shot reverse shot. Over all it went very well we got all the shots we planned to do, our match on action shot was good of the door handle and the over shoulder shots were very good too. And i think the continuity of it was done well too.
  • planningThriller Opening Title Sequence:

    planningThriller Opening Title Sequence:
    This is when we started to plan opening title sequence. We started by getting a piece of paper and looking at concepts of thrillers we could do. We looked at the idea of psychological thrillers and what sort of characters they have, we played with the idea of a split personality but then we thought that would be difficult to show in an opening title sequence. Then we thought of having a kidnapping. and chose to have that as our main part of our film.
  • filming:

    This was the day we started to film our opening title sequence. We first started to film in the rejection scene in the college. We had to film this well as it was our most important part as its sets the tone for the whole film. Then we moved on to doing the camera scenes where our antagonist was stalking the girl and taking photos of her. Then we went to Hurst on the train and walked to one of our houses and filmed the shrine scene and kitchen which both went well,
  • Editing:

    After filming we then moved on to editing our footage. We looked at putting the best parts of our footage in the opening title sequence. We then looked at smoothing out the transitions from each scene by putting parts of the shrine scene in-between and this helped space out our main scenes. We also did fades on adobe so it would be smoother. Then we looked as putting in some effects like we put in a flash of negative colour on the end of the rejection scene. Then we looked putting in at music in