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Long Term Goal

By saray1
  • Step 1

    Step 1
    Graduate college and make sure I am financially stable.
  • Step 2

    Step 2
    Starting a job whenever I am halfway through college and into graduation so I have extra savings.
  • Step 3

    Step 3
    Look into possible housing styles, and the location that I would like to live in.
  • Step 4

    Step 4
    If I have a husband or significant other, look into financial options and mortgages if needed.
  • Long Term Goal

    Long Term Goal
    S- I will buy and own a house.
    M- I will start saving up in college.
    A- I will get another job to help add onto funding.
    R- Researching mortgages and types of homes.
    T- By the time I am 25, I would like to own a house.
  • Step 5

    Step 5
    Make sure that I know what I want, talk to a realtor and be able to finalize everything within a year.